Phillipa Tucker +27 (0)
Define Accountability 2 Work with one colleague please write a joined definition of accountability 4 minutes
Each citizen, however ‘powerless’, is part of contract and has some power to hold govt accountable. Bill of Rights is part of the contract. The contract is based not only on formal rules but also on the content of a political programme, manifestos, declarations, many other documents that govt officials sign… Acc & democratic governance
What accountability is not... Monitoring and evaluation = M&E is a means of increasing acc. Acc can exist where no M&E is being done. Acc can be the reason why M&E gets done. Governance = Acc is one aspect of good governance. Add acc, transparency, good M&E, budget management etc and we have some of the ingredients for good governance. Accounting = = boring!
About AAI
Increases reporting of data and transparency Increased political commitment Response based on facts not guesses Better identification of regional best practice Easy, accessible and powerful advocacy tool Can’t argue with the figures: Facts! Improves process: Civil society and govt can work together to get data, sharing knowledge Guides CSOs and donors response to improve their own work Greater ownership of the process Using data for advocacy
MPOA African Union Conference of Ministers of Health signed the Maputo Plan of Action for the Operationalization of the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Continental Policy Framework in January African leaders committed to achieve universal SRHR in Africa by Developed the Progress Assessment Tool (PAT): a questionnaire completed annually by all AU members and submitted to the AU by year end.
Key elements of MPOA 1.Integrating STI/HIV/AIDS, and SRHR programmes and services, 2.Repositioning family planning as an essential part of achieving the health MDGs; 3.Addressing the sexual and reproductive health needs of adolescents and youth as a key SRHR component; 4.Addressing the issue of unsafe abortion; 5.Delivering quality and affordable services in order to promote Safe Motherhood, child survival, maternal, newborn and child health; and 6.Strengthening African and south-south co-operation for the attainment of ICPD and MDG Goals in Africa.
Three key components. 1.A Scorecard based on Progress Assessment Tools (PATs) (37 indicators) submitted in December 2009 and 2010 to the AU by SADC countries. 2.The second component that AAI will conduct is an in-depth in- country research project on the Maputo Plan reporting process in South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe. 3.Communication and Outreach: Capacity building workshops based on identified areas of weakness
What the project gives the SRHR activist/worker/policy maker/bureaucrat Takes the 37 data points and comments, challenges and recommendations in the country reports and puts it into a simple, easy to read, simple to understand format. Malawi A Mozambique B Botswana C Zimbabwe D South Africa E Zambia No data reported
What do you need to do to get started? 1.Read the MPOA 2.Check the SAfAIDS website 3.Join the AAI newsletter 4.Contact local partners working on SRHR
Join our newsletter at Or me to get a copy of the report Phillipa Tucker Senior Researcher +27 (0) This project was made possible by the generous support of Report Due December 2011!