Energy Sources Grouping task
nuclear oil gas Solar cells / PV biofuel / biomass wave hydroelectric coal geothermal wind tidal
nuclear oil gas biofuel / biomass wave hydroelectric coal geothermal tidal Name 3 renewables
nuclear gas Solar cells / PV biofuel / biomass wave hydroelectric coal geothermal wind tidal Name 3 non-renewables
nuclear oil gas Solar cells / PV biofuel / biomass wave hydroelectric coal wind tidal Name 3 fossil fuels
nuclear oil gas Solar cells / PV biofuel / biomass wave hydroelectric wind tidal 4 that use a boiler to make electricity
nuclear oil Solar cells / PV biofuel / biomass wave coal geothermal wind tidal 4 that give out no carbon dioxide
nuclear Solar cells / PV wave hydroelectric coal geothermal wind tidal 2 that give out harmful waste
nuclear oil gas Solar cells / PV biofuel / biomass wave hydroelectric coal geothermal wind tidal One that gives out radioactive waste
nuclear oil gas Solar cells / PV biofuel / biomass wave hydroelectric coal geothermal wind tidal 3 that need very large areas / spaces
nuclear oil gas Solar cells / PV biofuel / biomass wave hydroelectric coal geothermal wind tidal 2 that can produce electricity at sea
nuclear Solar cells / PV biofuel / biomass wave hydroelectric geothermal wind tidal 3 that could be fitted / used at home
nuclear Solar cells / PV biofuel / biomass wave hydroelectric coal geothermal wind tidal Four with a turbine driven by steam