Environmental Aspects of the Biofuels for Transport in Europe G. Jungmeier JOANNEUM RESEARCH, Austria Biomass & Bioenergy Confenrece th – 29 th February, Estonia Fair Center, Tallinn, Estonia
Greenhouse Gas Concentration in Atmosphere Source: IPCC 2007
Observed Changes
Outline Introduction Overview Biofuels Assessment of Biofuels Outlook Examples FT-Diesel
Source: Global Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2004
Source: Greenhouse Gas Emissions per Sector 2004
Source: Development Greenhouse Gas Emissions per Sector 2004
Source: Vehicle Ownership
Source: Global Energy Flow 2005
Source: Global Energy Flow Outlook 2030
Overview of the Global Potential of Biomass for Energy World Primary Energy consumption (2006): 400 EJ/a
Role of Biofuels in the Energy Economy System “Energy Saving” – Reduction of useful energy consumption with same energy service, e.g. insulation of buildings Increasing of Energy Efficiency in energy conversion, e.g. hybrid vehicles (further) Increase of using Renewable Energy e.g. biofuels, solar energy Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, e.g. Kyoto-Target: minus 13% ( ref. 1990) Reduction of local pollutants e.g. PM10, NO x Increasing of Energy Security e.g. domestic renewable energy Long term goal High efficient sustainable energy system based on 100% renewable energy
Outline Introduction Overview Biofuels Assessment of Biofuels Outlook Examples FT-Diesel
Overview Transportation Biofuels 1 st and 2 nd Generation 1)(pure) Vegetable oil 2)Biodiesel a)conventional biodiesel via esterification b)hydro-treated biodiesel via hydration 3)Bioethanol a) conventional bioethanol from sugar and starch b) lignocellulosic bioethanol 4)Biobutanol 5)Biogas 6)Synthetic biofuels a) Fischer-Tropsch biofuels (z.B. FT-Diesel) b) Synthetic natural gas (SNG) c) Dimethylester (DME) d) Methanol e) Synthetic hydrogen 7)Biological hydrogen 8)(upgraded) Pyrolyses oil 9)Biofuels from direct liquifaction a)HTU-Biofuels from hydro-thermal upgrading b)CLC-Biofuels from catalytic low temperature conversion
Overview Transportation Biofuels 1 st Generation 1)(pure) Vegetable oil 2)Biodiesel a)conventional biodiesel via esterification b)hydro-treated biodiesel via hydration 3)Bioethanol a) conventional bioethanol from sugar and starch b) lignocellulosic bioethanol 4)Biobutanol 5)Biogas 6)Synthetische Biotreibstoffe a) Fischer-Tropsch biofuels (z.B. FT-Diesel) b) Synthetic natural gas (SNG) c) Dimethylester (DME) d) Methanol e) Synthetic hydrogen 7)Biological hydrogen 8)(upgraded) Pyrolyses oil 9)Biofuels from direct liquifaction a)HTU-Biofuels from hydro-thermal upgrading b)CLC-Biofuels from catalytic low temperature conversion
Overview Transportation Biofuels 2 nd Generation 1)(pure) vegetable oil 2)Biodiesel a)conventional biodiesel via esterification b)hydro-treated biodiesel via hydration 3)Bioethanol a) conventional bioethanol from sugar and starch b) lignocellulosic bioethanol 4)Biobutanol 5)Biogas 6)Synthetic biofuels a) Fischer-Tropsch biofuels (z.B. FT-Diesel) b) Synthetic natural gas (SNG) c) Dimethylester (DME) d) Methanol e) Synthetic hydrogen 7)Biological hydrogen 8)(upgraded) Pyrolyses oil 9)Biofuels from direct liquifaction a)HTU-Biofuels from hydro-thermal upgrading b)CLC-Biofuels from catalytic low temperature conversion
Overview Biomass Raw Materials Biomass resources Forestry - Residues from thinning - Residues from harvesting Agriculture - oil crops e.g. rape, sunflower - sugar crops: e.g. sugar beet, sugar cane - starch crops: e.g. wheat, maize - lignocellulosic-crops: e.g. short rotation forestry, miscanthus - residues: e.g. straw, manure, grass Trade & Industry - sawn industry residues: e.g. bark - wood industry wastes: e.g. shavings - food and feed industry residues - bark - black liquour - organic fraction of MSW - sewage sludge
From Raw Material to Transportation Biofuels Raw materials Oil crops Sugar crops Starch crops Lignocellulosic crops Residues others Conversion processes Bio-chemical Thermo-chemical Physical-chemical others e.g. hydration Transportation Biofuels 1) (pure) Vegetable oil 2) Biodiesel 3) Bioethanol 4) Biobutanol 5) Biogas 6) Synthetic biofuels 7) Biological hydrogen 8) (upgraded) Pyrolyses oil 9) Biofuels from direct liquifaction Currently about 40 combinations Raw material/Conversion/Biofuel under discussion
State of Technology Lab-scale Process developing unit PDU Pilotplant Demoplant Commercial plant
State of Technology Lab-scale Process developing unit PDU Pilotplant Demoplant Commercial plant Conventional biodiesel Vegetable oil Conventional bioethanol
State of Technology Lab-scale Process developing unit PDU Pilotplant Demoplant Commercial plant Conventional biodiesel Vegetable oil Conventional bioethanol Biolog. hydrogen Biomethanol CLC-biofuel Pyrolyses oil
State of Technology Lab-scale Process developing unit PDU Pilotplant Demoplant Commercial plant Conventional biodiesel Vegetable oil Hydrotreated biodiesel Conventional bioethanol Biogas Biolog. hydrogen Biomethanol CLC-biofuel Pyrolyses oil
State of Technology Lab-scale Process developing unit PDU Pilotplant Demoplant Commercial plant Conventional biodiesel Vegetable oil Hydrotreated biodiesel Conventional bioethanol (ligno)cellulosic bioethanol Fischer-Tropsch (FT)-Biofuel Biogas Biolog. hydrogen Biobutanol Synthetic natural gas (SNG) BiomethanolBio-DME HTU-biofuel CLC-biofuel Pyrolyses oil
State of Technology Lab-scale Process developing unit PDU Pilotplant Demoplant Commercial plant Conventional biodiesel Vegetable oil Conventional bioethanol (ligno)cellulosic bioethanol Biogas Biolog. hydrogen Biobutanol Synthetic natural gas (SNG) BiomethanolBio-DME HTU-biofuel CLC-biofuel Pyrolyses oil Hydrotreated biodiesel Fischer-Tropsch (FT)-Biofuel 1 st generation2 nd generation
Outline Introduction Overview Biofuels Assessment of Biofuels Outlook Examples FT-Diesel
LCA Methodology According to ISO „Life Cycle assessment“ Standard Methodology of IEA Bioenergy Task 38 „Greenhouse Gas Balances of Bioenergy systems“ Recommendations of COST Action E9 „Life Cycle Assess- ment of Forestry and Forest Products“ JRC/CONCAWE/EUCAR: Well-to-Wheels analysis of future automotive fuels and powertrains in the European context Common methodology available
Transportation Service Fossil Energy extraction Fossil Energy Transport Refinery Fossil Fuel Distribution Fossil Fuel Vehicle Biofuels Reference System Processes of LCA for Biofuels Biomass Production Biomass Transport Biofuel Production Biofuel Distribution Biofuel Vehicle Area Biomasse Reference- use By-products Conventional products
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Technology Source: JRC/CONCAWE/EUCAR nd generation biofuels 1 st generation biofuels fossil fuels
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Technology Source: JRC/CONCAWE/EUCAR nd generation biofuels 1 st generation biofuels fossil fuels
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Technology Source: JRC/CONCAWE/EUCAR nd generation biofuels 1 st generation biofuels fossil fuels
Primary Energy Consumption Technology nd generation biofuels 1 st generation biofuels fossil fuels Source: JRC/CONCAWE/EUCAR 2007
Primary Energy Consumption Technology nd generation biofuels 1 st generation biofuels fossil fuels Source: JRC/CONCAWE/EUCAR 2007
Primary Energy Consumption Technology nd generation biofuels 1 st generation biofuels fossil fuels Source: JRC/CONCAWE/EUCAR 2007
Outline Introduction Overview Biofuels Assessment of Biofuels Outlook Examples FT-Diesel
Wood Biofuel Polygeneration of Wood FT-Diesel Demonstration-Plant Heat Electricity Wood chips (4.6 t/h)35,000 t/a Biofuel (450 l/h)3.4 Mio. l/a Fuel Electricity (netto) Heat (70/90°C) 15 MW f 1.6 MW el 5.8 MW th Efficiencies (electr. 11%, heat 40%, biofuel 29%) 80%
Scheme Polygeneration of FT- Biofuel&Electricity&Heat
Greenhouse Gas Emissions - 87%
Outline Introduction Overview Biofuels Assessment of Biofuels Outlook Examples FT-Diesel
Major Influences on Environmental Aspects Environmental performance fuel consumption of vehicle use of by-products biomass resource uncertainty concerning future technology development amount of renewable energy in the energy system heating value: e.g. bioethanol propulsion system e.g. N 2 O
Indicators for „Sustainable Biomass“ 1. Environment: Greenhouse gas balance (> 35%) Land use change Change of carbon storage pools Loss of biodiversity Competition agriculture for food and feed forestry: construction materials, wooden products, local energy use Others: soil erosion, water resource, plant protection agents, GMOs Economic prosperity: e.g. labour creation, land owner ship 3. Social welfare: e.g. working conditions, healthiness Certification of biomasse raw materials and biofuels result
3. Full-chain biofuels cost analysis Types of results: mix development
3. Full-chain biofuels cost analysis Types of results: resource mix
Outlook Source: 4 th Assessment Report,