BIOMASS & BIOFUELS A Renewable Energy Opportunity Dorothy Abbott Extension Agent, Renewable Resources University of Delaware Cooperative Extension
BIOMASS Any organic matter which is available on a renewable basis including forest residues, agricultural crops and wastes, wood and wood wastes, animal wastes, livestock operation residue, aquatic plants and municipal wastes (USDOE)
Agricultural Biomass
Animal ‘Waste’ Biomass
Forest Residue Biomass
Municipal ‘Waste’ Biomass
“Yard Waste” vs. “WOOD RESIDUE” same definition … different meaning
Wood Residue Wood residues are renewable resources that can be use for energy reducing the dependency on non-renewable resources (i.e., coal, petroleum)
Unlike NON-RENEWABLE natural resources… RENEWABLES, once used, can be replaced in a relatively short period of time or even used continuously without depleting the resource.
HIGH HIGH Heat Values of Native Delaware Trees Osage-Orange Hickories Dogwood Persimmon White oak Red oak White ash American beech
MODERATE MODERATE Heat Values of Native Delaware Trees American holly Green ash Black walnut Sweetgum Black cherry Sassafras Eastern redcedar Baldcypress
LOW LOW Heat Values of Native Delaware Trees Yellow-poplar Black willow Eastern white pine Eastern cottonwood Red alder Large-tooth aspen Weeping willow
Biomass/Biofuel Plantations Short-rotation woody crop Herbaceous energy crop Hybrid willowSwitchgrass
Other Biomass Plantation Benefits
Managing a Biomass/Biofuel Plantation Maintenance and Harvesting is important!
BIOENERGY The conversion of the complex carbohydrates in organic matter into energy, either by using it directly as a fuel or by processing it into liquids and gasses that are more efficient.
’Bioenergy’ is really the result of taking organic matter/renewable natural resources and changing this substance into a fuel source or a BIOFUEL.
BIOFUEL Transportation Heating Cooling
Transportation Ethanol (E85) = produced from corn, trees or other cellulosic material Methane = captured from landfills and agricultural livestock facilities Biodiesel = created from soybean oil, yellow grease, etc.
Heating Biodiesel … home heating oils Wood … fireplace, pellet stove (during the 1870’s, wood was the dominate form of domestic energy…then coal and petroleum became easier and cheaper to use for this purpose)
Cooling Chillers fueled by biofuels supply air conditioning needs… (renewable fuel technologies are advancing rapidly to meet this need)
Methods of obtaining BIOFUELS
DIRECT COMBUSTION Where plant fiber is broken down and ignited to generate steam heat
BIOCHEMICAL Anaerobic digestion = fermentation in absence of O 2 to produce biogas Fermentation = using enzymes and yeast
THERMOCHEMICAL Gasification = partial combustion of plant fiber to yield gasses ignited for energy Liquefaction = heating and condensation of plant material to produce various by-products
… for BIOENERGY options to be utilized, they must first be manufactured and made available at a cost competitive/market price
In Conclusion BIOMASS … is a VALUABLE Bio-energy fuel!
THANK YOU! For more information on bioenergy activities through the University of Delaware, feel free to contact (302) or