Energy and Food Compiled By: Nicholas Mavrelis ’13, Adrian Drobenko ’13, Ryan O’Hara ’13, Alexander Adamis ’13, Taso Velis ’13, Keith Spiteri ’13, Peter.


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Presentation transcript:

Energy and Food Compiled By: Nicholas Mavrelis ’13, Adrian Drobenko ’13, Ryan O’Hara ’13, Alexander Adamis ’13, Taso Velis ’13, Keith Spiteri ’13, Peter Abrahamsen ’13, Eugene Dolphin ’13, and Michael Puerto ‘13

Eight Different Types of Renewable Energy Biofuel Biomass Geothermal Solar Energy Hydroelectricity Tidal Power Wind Power Wave Power Think! How does energy affect food? Why should you care?

What is a Biofuel? A biofuel is a type of fuel whose energy is derived from the biological reduction of carbon dioxide to organic compounds by living organisms. A bus powered by biofuel.

Pros and Cons of Biofuels Helps keep the environment clean Can possibly cause other environmental problems and emit other greenhouse gases Uses natural resources efficiently Requires a mass production of crops Can be easily implemented Requires more energy than it can generate Just as efficient as regular gasoline Seen as a temporary replacement, but not a permanent solution

What is Biomass? Biomass is a biological material from living, or recently living, organisms. It can either be used directly or converted into other energy products. Wood is a common source of biomass.

Pros and Cons of Biomass Made locally with minimal cost Large areas of land are required to use to its full potential Converts waste into fuel If overused, other environmental issues could develop Renewable, and does not depend on fossil fuels Some materials are not available all year around An abundance of organic waste and agricultural waste Very expensive to implement properly

What is Geothermal Energy? Geothermal energy is thermal energy generated and stored in the Earth. The Earth generates thermal energy from the original formation of the planet and from radioactive decay of minerals. A pool fed by a hot spring.

Pros and Cons of Geothermal Energy Geothermal plants are inexpensive to operate and maintain Geothermal plants and required tools, such as drills, are expensive to start Almost completely non-polluting Only usable in certain regions Can be used as a direct power source Current geothermal sources may not be a permanent source of energy Fossil fuels are not required No guarantee that sites will provide desired quantities

What is Solar Energy? Solar energy is a radiant of light and heat from the sun and has been used by humans since ancient times. Different technologies, such as solar panels, allow humans to harness solar energy more efficiently. A solar power plant in the United States

Pros and Cons of Solar Energy Solar panels give off no pollution Solar panels are extremely costly Solar energy is produced quietly Can only produce energy during the daytime Can be very efficient in large areas The weather can affect the efficiency of energy production Reduces the use of fossil fuels Doesn’t completely dispose of fossil fuels

What is hydroelectricity? Hydroelectricity is electricity being generated by hydropower. More specifically, it is the production of electrical power through the use of the gravitational force of falling or flowing water.

The Gordon Dam Located in Tasmania.

Pros and Cons of Hydroelectricity Dams can store water directly from a river itself Dams require flooding of entire valleys and other areas In case of a drought, the dam can still have a constant supply of water to produce energy Dams disrupt natural seasonal changes in the river, which could result in destroyed ecosystems Dams are inexpensive to maintain and operate Dams are expensive to build Dams can be shut down instantly Dams can break in a massive flash flood

What is Tidal Power? Tidal power is a form of hydropower that converts the energy of tides into useful forms of power, primarily electricity. A tidal stream generator that shows the power in the tidal current

Pros and Cons of Tidal Power A completely non-polluting source of energy Requires a thorough inspection A renewable energy Exposure to rotating turbines that manipulate the water can drastically alter marine life A reliable source of energy Has specific, geographical requirements Pays off in the long run A high initial investment

What is Wind Power? Wind power is the conversion of wind energy into a useful form of energy. Often requires wind turbines to make electricity, windmills for mechanical power, wind pumps for water pumping, or sails to propel ships. A Wind Pump

Pros and Cons to Wind Power Does not pollute the environment such as fossil fuels, coal, and nuclear energy Has several environmental impacts It’s renewable Wind is simply unpredictable Good availability for wind Requires specific, geographical regions Cost efficient to operate and maintain Expensive to implement

What is Wave Power? Wave power is the transport of energy by ocean surface waves, and the capture of that energy to produce electricity.

Pros and Cons of Wave Power Consistent power Devices that harness energy can easily break down Causes no pollution Harms marine life Renewable energy High initial cost Efficient in harnessing energy Very few are actually implemented

How does this all relate to food? Food is one of the primary sources for biofuels. If an energy source was cheaper and a more efficient energy source was in place, food would be extremely cheaper Cheaper food to produce + Better Economy = More People Well Fed