Waste water treatment - conforming to EU Waste Water Directive study case of Tg. Mures Otto DARABAN General Director SC Compania Aquaserv SA
Who we are? Status: regional operation company shareholders 6 Local Councils and Mures County Council Consiliul Judetea Mures Turnower:38 mil RON (1 Euro=3.7 RON) Employees:820 Operation locations: 6 city and 14 locations in rural areea Infrastructure: water treatment plants 7 waste water treatment plants 6 water network 936km sewers 620km Servicies: drinking water treatment&distribution 15 mil mc/y waste water collection&treatment 14,1 mil mc/y Clients: hoseholds 230,486 industrial&institutions 15,107
History primary treatment two digesters 2x1500 mc sludge drying beds 0.25 ha sludge lagoon mc km combined sewer preliminary treatment plant pumping station secondary treatment (900 l/s) digesters 2x4000 mc gr. thickeners 2x1568 mc biogas holders 2x1000 mc sludge pumping stations sludge drying beds 1.85 ha
New institutional framework Waste water treatment Waste water treatment Low treatment efficiency High ware of the equipment High electrical consumption More stringent effluent standards High energy tariffs Low service tariffs No finances from the Government
MUDP I Project-trying to survive Objective: Investments in infrastructure Realization of the operator’s financial independence Management improving Budget: Total 6.6 Mil $ (3.2 Mil $ for WWTP) 50% EBRD loan 45% Romanian Government 5% Local Council Tirgu Mures Period:
MUDP I Project-scope of the works Extension of the secondary treatment’s capacity Finally clarifier Activated sludge pumping station Improving sludge treatment Digester’s rehabilitation Sludge thickening Sludge dewatering
Project CHP-new resources Objective: Reduce CO 2 emission Budget: total 1.1 Mil $ (for WWTP) 1 Mil $ Dutch Government’s grant 0.1 Mil $ company’s contribution Period: CHP plant fuel: biogas/CH 4 capacity: 450 kW e +730 kW th
ISPA Project-EU support Objective of the project: to rehabilitate the existing infrastructure Budget: Total 28 Mil Eu (21 UE grant, 7 EBRD loan) Comp B WWTP Mil Eu Contractor: Allewijse & Spaans Babcock (The Netherlands) Finish: Dec 2007 Results of the project: waste water treatment for a perspective year 2020, including surrounding villages comply with 271/91/EEC reducing risk regarding public health decreasing pollution downstream Mures River
ISPA Project-scope of the works(1) Preliminary treatment: new structure screens (coarse & fine) compactor for screenings combined sand/grease separator sand washing unit Storm management refurbishment of the existing balancing tank (sugar factory) storm water return pumping station Primary treatment: repair of primary clarifiers replacing the PC bridges automated sludge withdrawal system refurbishment of sludge pumping station refurbishment of decanted water pumping station
ISPA Project-scope of the works(2) Power supply island operation for CHP refurbishment of transformer house replacing main power cables Secondary treatment: refurbishment of the biological reactor refurbishment of activated sludge pumping station automated sludge withdrawal system refurbishment of sludge pumping station refurbishment of decanted water pumping station Process control complete automation new SCADA system automated sampling system
Where we are now? Treatment capacity 1200 l/s Sludge cake (18-20% DS) 22,000 mc/y Biogas produced 1,400,000 mc/y Energy recovered ~3,300 MWh/y electrical ~5,100 MWh/y thermal
Performance of the plant
What is left? Implement Directive 91/271/EEC in the operation region of Compania Aquaserv according to the EU negotiation documents and improuving the sludge management&disposal Master Plan for Mures county (2037) identyfies 1,320 mil Euro, from which: drinking water 650 mil Euro waste water 670 mil Euro first priority investments prepared for EU cohesion founds 89 mil Euro, from which : collection systems 27 mil Euro (20 ext. + 7 reab.) WWTP 18 mil Euro (10 newTP + 8 reab.) DWT facilities 31 mil Euro (15 new TP + 16 reab.) water distrib. systems 13 mil Euro (8 ext. + 5 reab.)
Conclusions WATER means LIFE! WASTE WATER TREATMENT means CIVILISATION ! High efforts were made by community of TG. Mures Operator company’s contribution identifying&implementing projects properly operation of the infrastructure
Thank you!