S O U T H S A V O R E G I O N A L E N V I R O N M E N T C E N T R E Tiina Lehto Inventory in Juva Present state of bio waste management in Juva, possibilities and bottlenecks
S O U T H S A V O R E G I O N A L E N V I R O N M E N T C E N T R E Present state of bio waste management in Juva Requirement to separate bio waste separately collection in urban area in rural areas duty to compost bio waste Bio waste composted in stacks about 650 m 3 /year 2002 ( t/a) about 150 m 3 from households, 500 m 3 from one vegetable processor about 350 ton/year was composted in real property (30 % in urban area) Composted sewage sludge 512 m 3 /year 2002 (410 t/a); TS 18 % Compost product to green areas and roads; now stored for landscaping of old landfill
S O U T H S A V O R E G I O N A L E N V I R O N M E N T C E N T R E Bio waste flows within Juva food actors in 2002
S O U T H S A V O R E G I O N A L E N V I R O N M E N T C E N T R E Possibilities to recycle bio waste to agriculture 1 recyclable bio waste to fields 300 ton/year (solids content about 35 %) recyclable sewage sludge 500 m 3 /year (410 t/year) (solids content 18 %) ton/year1774/2002 * Bio waste of households, collectable %class 3 Bio waste of food stores, collectable1510 %class 3 Bio waste of communal kitchens, collectable10100 %class 3 Bio waste of vegetable processors, collectable150- Recyclable bio waste of mill15- Recyclable bio waste of meat processing10100 %class 2-3 Total, ton/year300 Bio waste of meat processing and slaughtering %class 2-3 Total, ton/year1000 * So-called by-product directive
S O U T H S A V O R E G I O N A L E N V I R O N M E N T C E N T R E Possibilities to recycle bio waste to agriculture 2 nutrients of bio waste bio waste: 2,5 ton-N and 0,5 ton-P (based on literature) sewage sludge: MAX. 3,5 ton-N and MAX. 3 ton-P (based on removal efficiencies of treatment plant) composted sewage sludge analysed 1993 treatment process causes nutrient loss nutrients solubility in final product effects on fertilizing value nutrients are better usable for plants from hydrolysis residual anaerobic treatment best solution on behalf of GHG-emissions
S O U T H S A V O R E G I O N A L E N V I R O N M E N T C E N T R E Bottlenecks for recycling existing recycling systems legislation demands lack of knowledge of compost product and nutrient release/availability from final products attitudes towards bio waste product price of treatment plant cooperation? bio waste applicability to treatment and purity post-composting requirements of hydrolysis residual
S O U T H S A V O R E G I O N A L E N V I R O N M E N T C E N T R E To the end… Recycling of bio waste can nutrients be recycled back to agriculture and will be added humus of the fields Bio waste recycling has to full fill legislation demands final product can be considered safe and hygienic soil conditioner Composting and biogas treatment two possible ways Centralized Small scale composting (households) Drum composting (e.g. communal kitchens/processors) Anaerobic treatment (case specific) plan of biogas plant in 1997
S O U T H S A V O R E G I O N A L E N V I R O N M E N T C E N T R E Summary recyclable bio waste of food actors: 300 ton/year recyclable sewage sludge: 500 m 3 /year, TS 18 % nutrients in bio waste: 2,5 ton-N and 0,5 ton-P nutrients in sewage sludge: MAX. 3,5 ton-N and MAX. 3 ton-P treatment processes cause nutrient loss bio waste recycling has to full fill legislation demands final product can be considered safe and hygienic soil conditioner anaerobic treatment advantages: no process emission, produces renewable energy, nutrients better usable from hydrolysis residual, agriculture in Juva drawbacks: cost of biogas plant, case specific