GCERC German Coastal Engineering Research Council Rainer Lehfeldt Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute - Coastal Division (BAW), Hamburg Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute - Coastal Division (BAW), Hamburg Ocean Biodiversity Informatics - Hamburg - 29 November to 1 December 2004 The Role of Metadata in the Management of Data from the Coastal Zone
GCERC German Coastal Engineering Research Council Data diversity Data diversity Metadata Metadata North Sea and Baltic Sea Coastal Information System Concept Implementation North Sea and Baltic Sea Coastal Information System Concept Implementation Web services Monitoring Modeling Web services Monitoring Modeling The Role of Metadata in the Management of Data from the Coastal Zone
GCERC German Coastal Engineering Research Council River Basin Districts Elbe: 10 Federal States of Germany + PL + CR + A Communication and data exchange WFD: integrated water resources management based on
GCERC German Coastal Engineering Research Council Coastal Engineering/Protection North Sea and Elbe estuary Coastal Engineering morphodynamics wadden sea equilibrium coast coastal protection maritime traffic Baltic Sea
GCERC German Coastal Engineering Research Council North Sea Baltic Sea Hydropgraphy, Water chemistry LANU Monitoring sites Monitoring of coastal waters
GCERC German Coastal Engineering Research Council Implementation of WFD
GCERC German Coastal Engineering Research Council North Sea and Baltic Sea Coastal Information System NOKIS framework open system open source software no licensing costs international standards Die Küste library projects data mdb central BAW German Coastal Engineering Research Council data + metadata partner institutions
GCERC German Coastal Engineering Research Council Metadata for communication data sets Information + simulation results+ documents Documentation Search what ? who ? where ? when ? how ? Utilization web services standards: ISO19119, OGC keywords + abstract + thumbnails point of contact + URL spacial coverage temporal coverage distribution format metadata standards: ISO19115, FGDC, Dublin Core
GCERC German Coastal Engineering Research Council Iso ISO mandatory ISO recommended core ISO mandatory ISO recommended core ISO NOKIS profile ISO metadata standard 13 categories, 300 elements Metadata what what who who where where when when how how
GCERC German Coastal Engineering Research Council Metadata profiles Shoreline profile (FGDC 2001) Time series profile (FGDC,... ongoing) Remote sensing profile (FGDC 2002) Modeling profile (HarmonIT,... ongoing) ISO Extensions Coastal zone profile
GCERC German Coastal Engineering Research Council Information infrastructures GCERCWFD
GCERC German Coastal Engineering Research Council Documentation Standardized text elements and preview images Maps Monitoring Remote sensing
GCERC German Coastal Engineering Research Council Searching options Metadata set Topic Category theme-based search options with NOKIS full-text search with ht://Dig options
GCERC German Coastal Engineering Research Council Search - Discover - Use Web services for wind time series
GCERC German Coastal Engineering Research Council Simulation viewer Web services for flow animation of simulation scenarios and extraction of time series
GCERC German Coastal Engineering Research Council NOKIS support of WFD ISO ISO 19119
GCERC German Coastal Engineering Research Council Information infrastructure
GCERC German Coastal Engineering Research Council Many thanks for your attention!
GCERC German Coastal Engineering Research Council Gazetteer Hamburg Hamborg Hamburgo Hambourg Amburgo Hamburgu Hampuriin Hamburku Dictionary of geographic names in online information systems Multi lingual place name Lat: N degrees minutes Long: E degrees minutes Geographic locationGeographic extent Place type inhabited place city state capital port Bounding polygon Hierarchical position
GCERC German Coastal Engineering Research Council Biology geomorphology and geology socio-economic parameters topography management information hydrology, meteorology bathymetry dyke and coastal protection register aerial photographs profiles aerial bird counts legislative parameters digital charts, maps sea survey data numerical modeling project documentation research papers journal Partner institutions NOKIS - Diversity in disciplines and topics data types
GCERC German Coastal Engineering Research Council WFD requirements Reference condition Ecological quality classification Intercalibration of ’good’ ecological quality status Selection of intercalibration sites Characterization of surface water types 2004 Identifying river basin districts
GCERC German Coastal Engineering Research Council ISO standard Metadata editor User interface Creating NOKIS profile metadata
GCERC German Coastal Engineering Research Council Bathymetry viewer Web services for coastal bathymetry
GCERC German Coastal Engineering Research Council Bathymetry viewer Web services for coastal bathymetry and transect analysis
GCERC German Coastal Engineering Research Council Modeling Visualization Web services for visualization and grid analysis
GCERC German Coastal Engineering Research Council database Views on metadata +
GCERC German Coastal Engineering Research Council Using metadata Coastal Offices / InstitutesResearch projects
GCERC German Coastal Engineering Research Council Monitoring Coastal Engineering NOKIS concept North Sea and Baltic Sea Coastal Information System North Sea and Baltic Sea Coastal Information System
GCERC German Coastal Engineering Research Council Bathing Water Directive (76/160/EEC) Birds Directive (79/409/EEC) Drinking Water Directive (80/778/EEC) + (98/83/EC) Environmental Impact Assessment Directive (85/337/EEC) Sewage-Sludge Directive (86/278/EEC) Urban Waste-Water Treatment Directive (85/337/EEC) Nitrates Directive (91/676/EEC) Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) Integrated Pollution Prevention Directive (96/61/EC) EU Directive 2000/60/EC - objective: ´good´ ecological status of all water bodies principles: integrated water resources management based on river basins transparency and stakeholder participation supercedes: methods: monitoring network for status modeling in relation to making assessment of impact Water Framework Directive