Biological waste treatment at Lindum Jan Petter Hammer Subject Manager Chemistry/Biology Presentation for Aquateam with Polish guests Lindum, 28. september 2009
Norway’s “Agenda 21” Recycling of nutrients Local treatment favorized Nutrients are recycled to where the food is being produced
Biological treatment 1) Composting Aerobic degradation C 6 H 12 O 6 + O 2 CO 2 + H 2 O 2) biogas production Anaerobic degradation C 6 H 12 O 6 3 CH CO 2
Composting methods at Lindum Windrow composting Matress composting Reactor composting Active large windrow composting AGBAG-kompostering
Important criteria The structure needs to be shredded to the right size The mixture must be able to drain moisture and be aerated The mixture must have DM>30% C/N-factor Starting pH > 5 Energy must be removed in the process Optimal degradation at ⁰C
Process and quality control Temperature CO 2, CH 4 and O 2 DM Odour Energy development Volume reduction Hygiene: TKB and Salmonella Stability: SOUR test, ”rottegrad” Analysis of nutrients Declaration
Soil products at Lindum Ecologial compost Agricultural compost Bulk soil mixtures Bagged soil mixtures Garden waste compost Biological roof covers Designed products for customers
Sewage sludge treatment
Sludge utilization Vikersund
2005 Steinsholt 2006 Statens vegvesen E 134
Food waste composting Ecological
From food waste To compost and soil
The food waste comes from large kitchens and food shops…
…. and from private households
The food waste is shredded andmixed with bark and lime
The mixture is inserted into the reactor composting facility…
… where it is transported into separate bins….
…. and the composting starts Air is forced through the compost mixture, and it is turned several times each day.
Plastics and other reject materials are sifted from the compost and sent to energy recovery.
After 10 days, the compost is taken out and put into Ag- Bags for maturing.
Agbag ”sausages”
The compost is monitored by sampling and analyses.
Growth test in our lab
Finished compost, ready for use
Transport to ecological agriculture
Some of the compost is used in Lindum’s own soil mixtures
….and the product is bagged and sold in garden shops, super markets – and at Lindum