INTRODUCTION OF THE KING COBRA™ PERISTALIC HOSE PUMPS Available: 10mm (3/8”) through 65mm (2-1/2”)
PRINCIPLE Pulsation flow is generated by the pushing action of shoes on the wall of an elastomeric hose. Shoes are assembled on a rotating wheel. Sealing under the shoe is performed by the compression of a local area of the hose. Frictions between shoes and hose are reduced by using a lubricant which also acts as a coolant.
KING COBRA ADVANTAGES Seal-less construction Self priming pump with high suction lift up to 9m (29.5’) of water Dry-run capable Abrasive products Excellent volumetric capacity (dosing) Particles (not sharp) up to 15-25% (depending on % particles) of hose ID Reversible pump Ease of Maintenance
HOSE PUMPS COMPETITORS Allweiler Elro Ragazzini Boyser Iwaki Verder Blackmer PCM-Delasco Watson-Marlow Bredel Pondorf
HOSE Hose Life Depends On... Differential Pressure Rotation Speed Hose Material Natural Rubber (NR): 6 ; EPDM (EP): 3 ; Buna-N (BN): 2 Liquid Temperature Service (Intermittent/Continous) Correct Ext DN Rectifying Correct Shimming
CORRECT SHIMMING Not enough Hose compression = Internal recirculation of liqui as well as the hose being rapidly cut-off Hose compressed too much = Unnecessary Brake Power, and Lower Hose Life 1mm extra shimming may x the hose compression by 2 (4 to 8 tons)
Tests done on KCS 65 NR hose on water @ 70°F on continuous duty HOSE LIFE TIME 5840 KING COBRA HOSE 4100 4210 3521 2850 2740 1562 1680 1321 1195 952 43 Psi 710 87 Psi 1029 575 130 Psi 398 175 Psi 215 Psi Tests done on KCS 65 NR hose on water @ 70°F on continuous duty
KING COBRA HOSE LIFE Hose Life Hose Life 550 Hours 1600 Hours Bredel Pump w/ Bredel Hose Bredel Pump w/ King Cobra Hose Bredel SPX40 Hose NR Bredel 60 rpm 7.5 bar-100Psi Continuous Duty Water @ 70°C Bredel Setting Bredel SPX40 Hose NR – “King Cobra” 60 rpm 7.5 bar-100Psi Continuous duty Water @ 70°C King Cobra Setting Hose Life 550 Hours Hose Life 1600 Hours More life due to improved rectified hose and hose re-enforcement technology
PUMP SELECTION INFORMATION REQUIRED Fluid Handled Pumping Temperature Capacity Required Vacuum Requirements Discharge Pressure Duty Cycle (Start-Stop / Continuous) Viscosity (fluid behavior) % Solids Maximum Particle Size pH Level or chemical compatibility
PUMP SPEED Pump speed is directly associated to vertical axis Example : 40 rpm for 8m3/h (35 gpm)
Motor power can be read on left vertical axis Motor power is found with the intersection between vertical speed axis and motor power curve according to pressure Motor power curve for 5 bar Motor power curve for 7.5 bar Motor power curve for 10 bar Motor power curve for 15 bar Motor power can be read on left vertical axis Example : for 40 rpm @ 5 bar (73 psi), motor power needed = 4 kw for 40 rpm @ 15 bar (218 psi) then motor power needed = 6.5 kw
viscosity can be read on right vertical axis VISCOSITY LIMITS Maximum viscosity allowed is found with the intersection between vertical speed axis and viscosity curve Max viscosity allowed with vaccum assist Max viscosity allowed without vaccum assist viscosity can be read on right vertical axis Example : maximum viscosity allowed without vacuum assist at 30 rpm = 10,000 cps, max of 13,500 cps with vacuum assist
SERVICE Intermittent Duty = pump is running less than 2 hours and stopped more than 1 hour Continuous Duty = pump is running more than 2 hours or stopped less than 1 hour Dark Grey coloured = Intermittent service zone Light Grey coloured = Continuous service zone Example : at 50 rpm and below 7.5 bar (109 psi), pump can operate continuously above 7.5 bar a (109 psi), and 50 rpm, service must be intermittent
TEMPERATURE LIMITS < 40°C Temperature limits < 70°C Example : under 5 bar (73 psi), and intermittent service, pump is limited to :90 rpm under 40°C (104ºF) and 28 rpm under 70°C (158ºF) Under 15 bar (218 psi) and 70°C, pump is limited to 16 rpm
KING COBRA™ SELECTION EXAMPLE Operating conditions : Fluid : Viscous Sludge Fluid Tp° : 20°C (68ºF) Viscosity : 5000 cps Flow : 7 m3/h (30.8 gpm) Pressure : 10 bar (145 psi) Service : Continuous
1. PUMP SELECTION According to the flowrate, only 3 pumps are suitable : KC40, KCX40, KC65 Fluid : viscous sludge Fluid Tp° : 20°C (68ºF) Viscosity : 5000 cps Flow : 7 m3/h (30.8 gpm) Pressure : 10 bar (145 PSI) Service : continuous
2. PUMP SELECTION According to the pressure, those 3 pumps are suitable : KC40, KCX40, KC65 Fluid : viscous sludge Fluid Tp° : 20°C (68ºF) Viscosity : 5000 cps Flow : 7 m3/h (30.8 gpm) Pressure : 10 bar (145 PSI) Service : continuous
3. PUMP SELECTION According to the service, only 1 pump is suitable : KC65 Fluid : viscous sludge Fluid Tp° : 20°C (68ºF) Viscosity : 5000 cps Flow : 7 m3/h (30.8 gpm) Pressure : 10 bar (145 PSI) Service : continuous
4. PUMP SELECTION According to the viscosity, the KC65 is suitable Fluid : viscous sludge Fluid Tp° : 20°C (68ºF) Viscosity : 5000 cps Flow : 7 m3/h (30.8 gpm) Pressure : 10 bar (145 PSI) Service : continuous
5. SPEED SELECTION According to the performance curve, pump speed = 35 rpm 7 m3/h (.87 gpm) 35 rpm Fluid : viscous sludge Fluid Tp° : 20°C (68ºF) Viscosity : 5000 cps Flow : 7 m3/h (30.8 gpm) Pressure : 10 bar (145 PSI) Service : continuous
6. POWER SELECTION According to the performance curve, motor power = 4.6 kW, you will need a 5.5 kW Motor. 4.6 kW 35 rpm Fluid : viscous sludge Fluid Tp° : 20°C (68ºF) Viscosity : 5000 cps Flow : 7 m3/h (30.8 gpm) Pressure : 10 bar (145 PSI) Service : continuous