European Commission, DG Environment Brussels, 05 April 2006 Screening of chapter 27 - Environment Dr. Violeta Vinceviciene European Commission DG Environment Unit D.2 –Water and Marine Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive Council Directive 91/271/EEC of , as amended by Commission Directive 98/15/EC of
European Commission, DG Environment Brussels 05 April 2006 Violeta Vinceviciene, DG ENV D.2 slide 2 Presentation plan 1.Objectives and overview 2.Four main obligations: 2.1 Planning 2.1 Planning 2.2 Regulation 2.2 Regulation 2.3 Monitoring 2.3 Monitoring 2.4 Reporting & information 2.4 Reporting & information 3.Summary
European Commission, DG Environment Brussels 05 April 2006 Violeta Vinceviciene, DG ENV D.2 slide 3 1.Objectives and overview
European Commission, DG Environment Brussels 05 April 2006 Violeta Vinceviciene, DG ENV D.2 slide 4 UWWTD concerns concerns collection, treatment and discharge of urban waste water, treatment and discharge of waste water from food-processing industrial sectors aimsthe adverse effects aims to protect the environment from the adverse effects of insufficiently treated urban waste water discharges and of discharges of industrial waste water from food-processing industries 1. Objectives (1)
European Commission, DG Environment Brussels 05 April 2006 Violeta Vinceviciene, DG ENV D.2 slide 5 UWWTD applies UWWTD applies to all agglomerations having the organic load of more than 2,000 population equivalent to agglomerations with less than 2,000 p.e. having collecting systems in place to food-processing industries having more than 4,000 p.e. and discharging treated wastewater directly to receiving waters Types of waste water concerned by the directive: Urban = domestic, or mixture of domestic & industrial, and/or run-off rain water Domestic = from residential settlements and services Industrial = from premises for carrying on any trade or industry, other than domestic and run-off rain water 1. Objectives (2)
European Commission, DG Environment Brussels 05 April 2006 Violeta Vinceviciene, DG ENV D.2 slide 6 Collection and treatment Collection and treatment of waste water in all agglomerations >2,000 inhabitants or population equivalents (including industrial waste water) Secondary treatmentrule more stringent treatment Secondary treatment (i.e. biological treatment) as rule; more stringent treatment in sensitive areas and their catchments for aggl.>10,000 p.e. Permit procedure Permit procedure for treatment plants for discharges from the agro-food industry (>4,000p.e.) for industrial discharges into urban waste water sewerage systems Monitoring Monitoring of performance on treatment plants and affected waters (art.15 + annex I); controls on sewage sludge disposal/reuse 1. Overview (3)
European Commission, DG Environment Brussels 05 April 2006 Violeta Vinceviciene, DG ENV D.2 slide 7 Agglomeration Collecting system UWWTP UWWTP Discharge point / Receiving area 1. Basic elements of UWWTD (4)
European Commission, DG Environment Brussels 05 April 2006 Violeta Vinceviciene, DG ENV D.2 slide 8 2. Four main obligations: 2.1 Planning
European Commission, DG Environment Brussels 05 April 2006 Violeta Vinceviciene, DG ENV D.2 slide Planning (1) Identify agglomerations and calculate the size (p.e.) Identify agglomerations and calculate the size (p.e.) Inventory and current status of agglomerations >2000p.e. Inventory and current status of agglomerations >2000p.e. size, size, collecting systems, collecting systems, treatment level, treatment level, monitoring system, monitoring system, sludge management, sludge management, Quality status of receiving waters for designation of sensitve areas Quality status of receiving waters for designation of sensitve areas
European Commission, DG Environment Brussels 05 April 2006 Violeta Vinceviciene, DG ENV D.2 slide Planning (2) Designate sensitive areas: Designate sensitive areas: three criteria (Annex II.A) three criteria (Annex II.A) eutrophic or may become eutrophic eutrophic or may become eutrophic abstraction of drinking water abstraction of drinking water further treatment necessary to fulfil other Council Directives further treatment necessary to fulfil other Council Directives relevant hydrologic catchment areas of sensitive areas (CAofSA) relevant hydrologic catchment areas of sensitive areas (CAofSA) all discharges from aggl.>10,000 p.e. in SAs and CAofSA must have all discharges from aggl.>10,000 p.e. in SAs and CAofSA must have collecting systems collecting systems more stringent treatment more stringent treatment Art.5, 6, Annex II
European Commission, DG Environment Brussels 05 April 2006 Violeta Vinceviciene, DG ENV D.2 slide 11 Eutrophication of European regional seas European Environment Agency
European Commission, DG Environment Brussels 05 April 2006 Violeta Vinceviciene, DG ENV D.2 slide 12 Designation of SA is an obligation Designation of SA is an obligation Non-designationof such areas, or insufficient/wrong designationleads to Non-designation of such areas, or insufficient/wrong designation leads to infringement procedures and infringement procedures and double costs for re-planning and/or re-construction of treatment plants double costs for re-planning and/or re-construction of treatment plants
European Commission, DG Environment Brussels 05 April 2006 Violeta Vinceviciene, DG ENV D.2 slide Planning (3) To establish technical and financial programme (Art.17) for the implementation of the Directive for To establish technical and financial programme (Art.17) for the implementation of the Directive for construction of sewage networks, construction of sewage networks, wastewater treatment plants addressing treatment objectives and objectives of receiving waters, and wastewater treatment plants addressing treatment objectives and objectives of receiving waters, and sludge treatment and disposal sludge treatment and disposal To ensure that the programme will be implemented in three stages To ensure that the programme will be implemented in three stages Art.17
European Commission, DG Environment Brussels 05 April 2006 Violeta Vinceviciene, DG ENV D.2 slide Planning (4) Implementation programme Inventory: agglomerations (loads p.e.) Inventory: agglomerations (loads p.e.) Current status: Current status: collecting systems collecting systems treatment treatment Programmes/forecasts: Programmes/forecasts: collecting systems collecting systems treatment plants – secondary treatment plants – secondary treatment plants – more stringent treatment plants – more stringent Sewage sludge: inventory and forecasts Sewage sludge: inventory and forecasts Planning of investments Planning of investments on collecting systems, WWTPs, sludge Art.17
European Commission, DG Environment Brussels 05 April 2006 Violeta Vinceviciene, DG ENV D.2 slide Requirements /regulation 2. Four main obligations:
European Commission, DG Environment Brussels 05 April 2006 Violeta Vinceviciene, DG ENV D.2 slide Collecting systems (1) PreTR UWWTP Art.3 and Annexes
European Commission, DG Environment Brussels 05 April 2006 Violeta Vinceviciene, DG ENV D.2 slide 17 Stormwater by-pass Leaks Collected, but not UWWTP Not collected Agglomeration Generated load of agglomeration Not collected load Load collected but not conducted and treated Load lost because of leakages Load discharged via by passes Collected load Load discharged from UWWTP Incoming load to UWWTP UWWTP 2.2 Collecting systems (2) Art.3 Collection conduction connection
European Commission, DG Environment Brussels 05 April 2006 Violeta Vinceviciene, DG ENV D.2 slide Collecting systems (3) Art.3 In design, construction and maintenance of collecting systems In design, construction and maintenance of collecting systems waste water treatment to be taken into account waste water treatment to be taken into account volume and characteristics of wastewater volume and characteristics of wastewater prevention leaks in collecting systems prevention leaks in collecting systems pollution from storm water overflows pollution from storm water overflows To implement in three stages To implement in three stages >10,000p.e. >10,000p.e. >15,000p.e. >15,000p.e. the remaining agglomerations the remaining agglomerations
European Commission, DG Environment Brussels 05 April 2006 Violeta Vinceviciene, DG ENV D.2 slide Treatment requirements
European Commission, DG Environment Brussels 05 April 2006 Violeta Vinceviciene, DG ENV D.2 slide Treatment requirements (4) collecting system Art.4,5,7 Annex IB, etc Receiving area Other EU Dir. requirements DP UWWTP Sludge management Art.14 & other EU Dir. requirements Agglomeration size Art.3 ?
European Commission, DG Environment Brussels 05 April 2006 Violeta Vinceviciene, DG ENV D.2 slide Treatment requirements (4) collecting system Art.4,5,7 Annex IB, etc Receiving area Other EU Dir. requirements DP UWWTP Sludge management Art.14 & other EU Dir. requirements Agglomeration size Art.3
European Commission, DG Environment Brussels 05 April 2006 Violeta Vinceviciene, DG ENV D.2 slide 22 Art.3 Art. 4/5/7 UWWTP 2.2 Collection and treatment schemes (5) Art.10 Art.3Art.10 Art. 4/5/7
European Commission, DG Environment Brussels 05 April 2006 Violeta Vinceviciene, DG ENV D.2 slide 23 Pre-TR Art.11 Art.3 Art. 4/5/7 UWWTP 2.2 Collection and treatment schemes (5) Art.10 Art.3Art.11Art.10 Art. 4/5/7
European Commission, DG Environment Brussels 05 April 2006 Violeta Vinceviciene, DG ENV D.2 slide 24 Agro-food WWTP Agro-food >4,000p.e. Agro-food WWTP Art Collection and treatment schemes (5) Art. 13
European Commission, DG Environment Brussels 05 April 2006 Violeta Vinceviciene, DG ENV D.2 slide 25 Pre-TR Agro-food WWTP Agro-food >4,000p.e. Agro-food WWTP Art.13 Art.11 Art.3 Art. 4/5/7 UWWTP 2.2 Collection and treatment schemes (5) Art.10 Art.3Art.11Art.10 Art. 4/5/7 Art. 13
European Commission, DG Environment Brussels 05 April 2006 Violeta Vinceviciene, DG ENV D.2 slide 26 UWWTP has UWWTP has to comply requirements of art.3, 4, 5, 6, 7 to comply requirements of art.3, 4, 5, 6, 7 to ensure sufficient performance under to ensure sufficient performance under all normal local climatic conditions all normal local climatic conditions seasonal variations of the load seasonal variations of the load Location of discharge point – no adverse effect to receiving waters Location of discharge point – no adverse effect to receiving waters 2.2 Technical requirements for UWWTP (6) Art.10
European Commission, DG Environment Brussels 05 April 2006 Violeta Vinceviciene, DG ENV D.2 slide 27 Prior regulation and/or specific authorisation Prior regulation and/or specific authorisation Pre-treatment requires to ensure Pre-treatment requires to ensure no damage to collecting systems and treatment plants operation no damage to collecting systems and treatment plants operation no adverse impacts to the environment & receiving waters no adverse impacts to the environment & receiving waters safe disposal of sewerage sludge safe disposal of sewerage sludge 2.2 Industrial waste water discharges to urban sewage systems (7) Art.11
European Commission, DG Environment Brussels 05 April 2006 Violeta Vinceviciene, DG ENV D.2 slide Waste water from food-processing industries (8) Applying only to food-processing industries having >4,000 p.e. Applying only to food-processing industries having >4,000 p.e. Subject to prior regulation and/or specific authorisation Subject to prior regulation and/or specific authorisation Requirements set in permits by MSs Requirements set in permits by MSs Art.13
European Commission, DG Environment Brussels 05 April 2006 Violeta Vinceviciene, DG ENV D.2 slide Four main principal obligations: 2.3 Monitoring
European Commission, DG Environment Brussels 05 April 2006 Violeta Vinceviciene, DG ENV D.2 slide Monitoring laboratory capacities, accreditation, QA/QC monitoring programmes for waste water parameters to be monitored sampling frequency of discharges from treatment plants waters receiving those discharges analysis of samples by using standard lab.methods min number of non-complying samples data collection, storage, assessment Annex I.D, Table 3
European Commission, DG Environment Brussels 05 April 2006 Violeta Vinceviciene, DG ENV D.2 slide Four main principal obligations: 2.4 Reporting
European Commission, DG Environment Brussels 05 April 2006 Violeta Vinceviciene, DG ENV D.2 slide Reporting: data flow Three stages & reporting obligations Commission request: questionnaires MS reports & data Commission assessment & Commission reports Commission actions for bad performers Three stages of implementation: >10,000 p.e.; >15,000p.e.; >2,000 p.e. Art.17, 16, 15 + EC verification actions Reporting obligations and EC requests: Art.17, 16, 15 + EC verification actions
European Commission, DG Environment Brussels 05 April 2006 Violeta Vinceviciene, DG ENV D.2 slide Summary
European Commission, DG Environment Brussels 05 April 2006 Violeta Vinceviciene, DG ENV D.2 slide 34 Transposition Transposition Designation of sensitive areas and CAofSA Designation of sensitive areas and CAofSA Implementation programme: inventory,forecasts &finances Implementation programme: inventory,forecasts &finances Construction and operation of collecting systems & waste water treatment in 3 stages Construction and operation of collecting systems & waste water treatment in 3 stages X+7 X+7 X+9 X+9 X+14 X Summary (1) Agglomeration size discharge point defines treatment level
European Commission, DG Environment Brussels 05 April 2006 Violeta Vinceviciene, DG ENV D.2 slide 35 Monitoring, reporting and information systems Monitoring, reporting and information systems Basic scheme Basic scheme While implementing While implementing end-of-pipe vs integrated approach end-of-pipe vs integrated approach 3. Summary (2) Agglomeration collect.syst. UWWTP DP & receiving WB
European Commission, DG Environment Brussels 05 April 2006 Violeta Vinceviciene, DG ENV D.2 slide 36 Thank you very much for the attention For more information: