Running Effective Chapter Meetings “Learning To Live In A Technical World!” This Powerpoint is provided courtesy of Georgia TSA
Tip #1: Meet Regularly Schedule regular meetings Be consistent with time and place Keep cancellations to a minimum
Tip #2 Have an Agenda Make sure everyone knows what is going on –An agenda should be prepared for each meeting Have a set format to your agenda The agenda should not be a substitute for attending a meeting It should be a brief and bold summary
TIP #3: Create a Sense of Belonging Every person needs to feel welcome and wanted Contact members regularly –always be warm and friendly to them By doing this, every person feels a sense of belonging and will contribute positively to the team.
TIP #4: Do What You Say, Say What You Do Always follow through –Don’t let down the other members of your chapter Also, tell others about the good things your chapter is doing Be proud!
Top 5 Rules of a Good Meeting 1.Set goals 2.Arrange all logistics 3.Send out announcements, invitations, and reminders for the meeting 4.Be courteous, respectful, and inclusive 5.Bring closure
10 Steps That Make Effective Meeting Groups 1.Discuss 2.Clearly understand 3.Actively listen 4.Focus energy 5.Reveal opposition 6.No personal attack 7.Do not dominate 8.Teamwork 9.Be conscientious 10. Analyze and fix
…And Seven That Lead To Ruin 1.Dominate 2.Off track discussions 3.No common purpose 4.Ignore 5.Lack of focus 6.Personal disagreements 7.Simple majority vote
Setting the Agenda Order of Business/Agenda 1. Call to Order 2. Opening Ceremony (includes roll call, introduction of visitors) 3. Reading of Minutes 4. Officer and Standing Committee Reports 5. Special Committee Reports 6. Unfinished Business 7. New Business 8. Announcements 9. Program 10. Closing Ceremony
Opening and Closing Tips Attire: –Officers should be uniform in their dress Timing: –Sitting, Standing, Turning, Pledging, and Motto Individual Parts: –Pointing to your symbol –When your name is called (Timing) –Projection and Enunciation As a Group: –Togetherness –Stand still –No hands in pockets –Where are your hands? (Example: Hands by side, Hands crossed in front, etc.)
General Rules for Small Group Communication Maintain Control with an Agenda Maintain Control through Procedure Maintain Harmony
How to Maintain Harmony Get to know all of the members of the group and encourage everyone else to get to know each other. Go into depth. Save your view point for last. Remember that people support what they help to create. Use people’s names often and give them credit when credit is due. Know when to say when. Have FUN!
Group Decision Making Brainstorm Ideas Defer Judgment Encourage Piggybacking Use Imagination Try Mind Mapping Synthesize
Make the Decision Consensus The rules of Consensus are simple and few: 1.Everybody gets an opportunity to voice his or her opinion. 2.The group focuses on the positive aspects of each argument. 3.Piggybacking and/or pulling apart ideas are encouraged. 4.Voting is not allowed.
Running Effective Chapter Meetings “Learning To Live In A Technical World!”