AWARD CEREMONY Students, teachers, parents, local representatives and media MEDIA TV were invited to a grand ceremony intended to disseminate the activities in 2013 – 2014 school year and the award of COMENIUS certificates to all parties involved. “ LUCIAN GRIGORESCU ” SCHOOL MEDGIDIA – CONSTANTA ROMANIA
Students were rewarded for their talent and passion in their practical skills. “I ’ m a tree” poetry context emphasized children’s creativity whether in Romanian or English, regardless the topic. “I ’ m a tree” poetry context emphasized children’s creativity whether in Romanian or English, regardless the topic. During the project meeting, were read all six awarded poems. During the project meeting, were read all six awarded poems. Mural painting exhibition on the same topic is the fruit of 6 th graders guided by their Art teacher Elena Dodiş. It can be admired in the European Projects Office in the school.
“The forest loves us and we love the forest” – through beauty and life lessons – was another generous topic. It provided inspiration to young prose authors in writing about real or imaginary stories. It became an e-book, in Romanian and English uploaded on the project website. The authors read the most attractive stories. Trees are strong Trees are beautiful We admire them each day They bring us joy They make us warm They keep us together Let ’ s be close to them every day! Trees from Poland and from Spain Trees from Portugal and Turkey, too Trees from Bulgaria and Romania Croatia and Estonia And from Czech Republic too Let ’ s be friends and sing forever More trees? Yes, please! The project anthem composed by the music teacher Tomasz Misztal from Lublin School was sung by our school choir.
All meeting moments recorded on the camera add to the interviews taken to the key project people by teacher Gina Şerban and later broadcast to the local TV station MEDIA TV, in “Attention to Education” show!” All meeting moments recorded on the camera add to the interviews taken to the key project people by teacher Gina Şerban and later broadcast to the local TV station MEDIA TV, in “Attention to Education” show!”