National Senior Honor Society Student Activity Information Scholarship Leadership Service Character
How does one become a member? Once a careful review of the academic records is made, candidates receive an application for admission after the second marking period of junior year. The information provided will be used by the faculty council to assist with the selection process. Once a careful review of the academic records is made, candidates receive an application for admission after the second marking period of junior year. The information provided will be used by the faculty council to assist with the selection process. Completion of this form is one aspect of the nomination process. Completion of this form is one aspect of the nomination process. The following is a summary of the information students are to provide on the application. Examples for each category are also provided. The following is a summary of the information students are to provide on the application. Examples for each category are also provided. The student handbook contains the criteria used to select candidates for the National Senior Honor Society.
COCURRICULAR ACTICITIES Examples: Examples: KEY Club, Mathletes, Romance Language Club, Foreign Language Honor Society, National Junior Honor Society, Operation Respect, soccer, volleyball, Big Brothers/ Sisters, Model UN, SADD, FBLA, District Sports Night, Book Club, NYSSMA, etc. List all the activities in which you have participated during high school (grades 9–11). Include clubs, teams, musical groups, etc., and major accomplishments in each. Please have the advisor sign in the last column. No activity will be considered if advisor’s signature is not obtained.
LEADERSHIP POSITIONS Examples: elected student body, class, or club officer; committee chairperson; team captain; newspaper editor; work area manager; community leader, director, receptionist, babysitter, tutor (outside of FPM), religion teacher, camp counselor, 1 st chair trombone, Boy scout quarter master, co-captain -- volleyball, head of maintenance -- HCC, CCD assistant teacher, dance assistant, mentoring program, assistant to the advisor– class of … Any position outside Floral Park Memorial must be accompanied by a supporting letter on letterhead of the organization signed by the person in charge of the activity. Any position outside Floral Park Memorial must be accompanied by a supporting letter on letterhead of the organization signed by the person in charge of the activity. List all the elected or appointed leadership positions held in school, community or work activities. Include only those positions in which you were directly responsible for directing or motivating others.
COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES etc. Examples: church groups; Boy or Girl Scouts; volunteer groups which benefit the community; community art endeavors; Camp Anchor; Liz’s Day, library book sale, NYS beach cleanup, Autism Walk, NHP Lions, FP Jr. Women’s Club, FP Volunteer Fire Dept., Long Island Jewish Hospital, etc. A minimum of 30 service hours is required for acceptance into Honor Society. Documentation from the organization’s adult sponsor with total number of service hours must be submitted with this form. No activity listed without documentation will be considered. A minimum of 30 service hours is required for acceptance into Honor Society. Documentation from the organization’s adult sponsor with total number of service hours must be submitted with this form. No activity listed without documentation will be considered. List community activities in which you have participated and note any major accomplishment in each. These should be any activities outside of school in which you have participated for the betterment of the community.
RECOGNITION AND AWARDS Example: Top Scholar Award, Outstanding Achievement in Social Studies, Certificate of Merit for Outstanding Community Service, PTSA Reflections Program, 100 Music Point Award, Scholar Athlete Award, Academic Bronze Medal – grade 9, 2 nd Place Word Processing, Long Island Science Competition, Music Parents Chorus Award, etc. List any honors or awards, which you have received, that will give additional support to your bid for membership selection to the National Honor Society.
Category 5: ESSAY Students will write a brief essay explaining why they feel they are qualified for acceptance into the National Honor Society and what they will do to make National Honor Society more vital to the Floral Park school community. Students will write a brief essay explaining why they feel they are qualified for acceptance into the National Honor Society and what they will do to make National Honor Society more vital to the Floral Park school community.
PARENT SIGNATURE Parents must sign the completed application form. Parents must sign the completed application form.