2014 ERHS Graduation Information Senior Countdown 14 Days…
STAFF GRADUATION SPEAKER Please vote on the sheet you have been given. Pass to the middle and our student council representatives will collect. Graduation Speaker will be announced once all votes are tabulated.
SENIORS LAST DAY: Tuesday, June 3 rd NO BLOCK Schedule for Finals (regular class hour) Seniors will be released a few minutes early from period 6 for senior walk Clean out locker BEFORE you leave!
GRADUATION CHECKLIST: Most important: 43 credits are required to graduate/ some of which are required Currently failing a class? Work with teacher immediately Contact your counselor
TRANSCRIPT SERVICE ERHS students should now request transcript records online directly via Parchment. More info available on our school website or go to directly to All transcripts are free unless school receiving does not accept electronic transcripts. Send final transcript to your college.
CEREMONY ELIGIBILITY Seniors who will be allowed to go through the ceremony are as follows: Graduates of the class; PSEO students who will graduate with the class; Foreign exchange students; All obligations are paid
OTHER IMPORTANT DATES CCap & Gown Distribution: May 27 th and 29 th
CAP AND GOWN Handed out May 27 th at lunch and May 29 th before school only. ALL obligations must be cleared! Not paid = NO cap and gown Cost is $25, make checks to Josten’s (they are yours to keep). If you choose NOT to wear the cap & gown, you must wear a white dress shirt/blouse and/or black slacks/skirt.
OTHER IMPORTANT DATES CCap & Gown Distribution: M ay 27 th and 29 th GGraduation Rehearsal and Senior Breakfast: J une 5 th at 7:00 am
REHEARSAL & SENIOR BREAKFAST Thursday, June 5 th: Breakfast: 7:00 am Rehearsal: BEGINS at 7:45 am o Attendance at rehearsal is REQUIRED Rehearsal is done approximately at 8:45 am
TICKETS Each graduate will get 4 tickets to the ceremony. Requests for additional tickets (via closed circuit TV in Zabee) must be made to Mrs. Schwab in writing by May 30 th. All tickets will be handed out to the graduates at practice. Extra tickets are on a first come, first serve basis. If you have a handicap guest, all guests must have the same color ticket in order to sit together.
OTHER IMPORTANT DATES CCap & Gown Distribution: M ay 27 th and 29 th GGraduation Practice and Senior Breakfast: J une 5 th at 7:00 am GGraduation: J une 6 th at 7:00pm
GRADUATION CEREMONY Graduation: June 6 th at 7:00pm Be at the high school at 6:15 pm with your gown on. We will line up at 6:45 p.m. to begin pictures. Diplomas can be picked up in the commons area AFTER the ceremony.
TOP 20, HONOR TASSLES, NHS Top 20: Based upon GPA for 8 semesters. Pick up Gold Stole at practice, return after ceremony or purchase for $10 (ISD 728) Honor Tassels: Return after ceremony to receive diploma, or purchase for $5 (ISD 728) White Tassel GPA Gold Tassel: GPA 3.51 and above. NHS cords: Return after the ceremony to receive diploma, or purchase for $10 (ISD 728).
BEHAVIOR Seniors who have discipline problems during the last days of school or prior to the graduation ceremony can and will be suspended from the ceremony. This is a community event!
SENIOR SAFE NIGHT Busses for the all night grad party will load in the north parking lot (Door G) immediately after picking up diplomas. The cost for the party is currently $80 and will be $100 at the door.