Special Day to Train June 11, 2006
A Special Day to Train June 11, 2006 What A charity sports day: training intellectually disabled children how play football. Who Shanghai Charity Foundation, Special Olympics, TopHuman Objectives Provide Intellectually disabled children with the opportunity to realize their potential and develop their skills. Facilitate Corporate sponsorship of local projects that benefit the intellectually disabled community. All sponsors benefit from press conference, day of event, and Thank You ceremony exposure. Publicize the event to educate the public about the potential and challenges of the intellectually disabled.
Partnerships Event Co-Organizer Shen Mei Beverage Co. Official Beverage Sponsor Trinity Sports - Media Organizer
Schedule Press Conference: Wednesday June 7 at TopHuman Office, 58 floor Plaza 66 Special Day to Train (SDT): Sunday June 11, Shanghai Pudong New Area School Thank You Ceremony: TopHuman invites SDT Sponsors to the Professional Coaching Awards pre-cocktail, Friday June 23 at the Shanghai Concert Hall
Community Sponsorship Opportunity: Education For Severely Disabled Children 4 children in Shanghai from suffering from serious brain failure Their families live in extreme poverty with a monthly income between RMB and RMB1,000 The parents are either unemployed, without a regular income or ill themselves These four children have special needs which are beyond their family’s means. These children have special needs to address their Need. With your support, the Special Day to Train event aims to raise the funds to pay for their education for one year. The average annual cost for these children is RMB 11,750 Costs for Two Children Charge for private tutoring at home and teaching materials: RMB per child each time X 8 times/month = RMB / month per child. Charge for rehabilitation: RMB hour per child X 8 hours/month = RMB month per child. Total: RMB / month per child, RMB6, / year per child Cost for two Children Charge for nursing: RMB / month per child Charge for rehabilitation and physical therapy: RMB1, / month per child Charge for meal and school shuttle bus: RMB / month per child Total: RMB1, / month per child, RMB16, / year per child
Sponsorship Benefits Tax Deductible Charity Receipt issued by the Shanghai Charity Foundation Participation in June 7 press conference to represent company’s support for the Special Day to Train event. Press Coverage and company signage Company representative to take part in official ceremony at the Special Day to Train on June 11, signage, press coverage of event Attend thank You Ceremony as VIP Guests of TopHuman to the China Coaching Awards Ceremony at the Shanghai Concert Theatre. TopHuman will host a pre-event cocktail Thank You Ceremony to honour all supporters of the Day to Train activity. As Co-organizer, TopHuman is pleased to offer Special Day to Train sponsors, a full page advertisement in the Global Business and Finance Magazine (Coaching Awards Sponsor) and signage at the Coaching Awards.
How it works Key Components Participants Government support Sponsorship Equipment Instructors Speakers VIP stars
Venue Field to be determined Instructors run kids through football skills and drills Prizes and goody bags given to teams VIP Speakers give motivational Speeches Sponsonrship Ceremony Event Breakdown
Schedule 8:00 Opening Ceremony 8:30 Stretching 9:00 Drills 10:00 Break 10:30 Drills 11:30 Wrap Up 12:00 Lunch - Everyone’s a winner!
Media Media Activation Various agency activation Brand and Govt. Activation Follow up storyline
Background - Day To Play 2005 The first Day to Play occurred on November 6, 2005 and was a tremendous success. Purpose to provide underprivileged children the opportunity to play and have fun while learning life lessons. Organized by Shanghai Charity Foundation, Rotary Club Shanghai 110 children (boys & girls) of migrant families in BaoShan, Shanghai 55 volunteers Special VIP guest included Ms. Xia SCF Executive Council member and Canadian Consul Mr. Mitchell and crowd favorite and local soccer celebrity Xie Hui. A successful development through sport activity using the power of sport for positive social impact
Contact Information Dragon Yan (SCF) Mobile: John Kielty (TopHuman) Mobile