What is this? Mortar Board!
Graduation – Friday, May 29 – 2:30 PM Graduates, family, & friends must arrive by 1:30 PM!
SENIOR EXAMS n Thursday, May 21-pds 1, 3, 6 n Friday, May 22-pds 2, 4/5, 7 n Full day of school both days n A $25 clean up fee will be assessed on bookstore accounts for any papers thrown and/or found on the ground May 21 and/or May 22!
SENIOR CHECKOUT � Tuesday, May 26 � 9: :30 AM � Practice Gym
CHECKOUT PROCEDURES Bookstore and/or Media Center debts must be paid. ALL DEBTS WILL NEED TO BE CLEARED BEFORE BEGINNING SENIOR CHECKOUT! Parking hang tags must be turned in. No tag will result in a $5.00 fine. Final Transcript request submitted. Pick up immunizations. Pick up cap and gown.
CEREMONY ATTIRE NAVY BLUE cap and gown (males) LIGHT COLUMBIA BLUE cap and gown (females) ª MALES (Dress Pants, Shirt, Socks, Dress Shoes; Ties are optional) ª FEMALES (Nice Dress or Skirt & Blouse, Dress Shoes; no floor length dresses or pants) **Renaissance Cords, NHS Collar, Top 10 Medallions - OK ***NO corsages / decorations, tennis shoes, flip-flops, purses or backpacks ALL STUDENTS MUST CARRY THEIR CAP AND GOWN INTO THE STADIUM.
PARKING INSTRUCTIONS Graduates, family and friends are to park in the East Preferred parking area. Access to this parking area is available from 91 st Ave.
Guest’s Entrance-Gate 3
Entrance for Graduates ONLY Gate 2
Graduates’ Entrance Graduates’ Entrance Graduates must carry their cap and gown through the gate and down the tunnel.
CHECK IN PROCEDURES Enter Gate 2, proceed down ramp to check in tables by staging area Exchange PINK name card for BLUE name card Enter staging area Put on cap and gown Assemble in alphabetical order. Name cards will be on chairs in staging area.
Check in by Staging Room
Staging Area Staging Area
Leaving the staging area
Processional on to Stadium floor
Guest Seating Area
Program Preview Senior Address Presentation of Class Acceptance of Class Awarding of Diplomas Alma Mater Farewell Closing Processional Presentation of Colors National Anthem and Pledge Welcome Message Teacher Inspiration Song
Presentation of Colors
Singers & Speakers
Diploma Cover Distribution Each row proceeds to side of stage 2 Pictures will be taken Go up stairs, wait at top Proceed to name reader, give him/her card, pronounce name Proceed behind reader to table, shake hands and get diploma cover Proceed to Principal/Assistant Principal, shake hands –have picture taken Proceed down center steps and return to seats
Professional Photo proof will be ed to you for purchase
Diploma Cover Distribution
The end of the ceremony!
Losing an eye….
DIPLOMA PICK UP DVHS DIPLOMA After the ceremony, proceed to the right to a side exit and into a room where you will pick up your official diploma. You will then exit up escalators and through Gate 2. Meet your parents back at Gate 3 where you parked.
Diploma Pick Up Room
TOP GPA’S DV H S Students are listed in alphabetical order. Nadia Alinaghizadeh Coby Allred Madison Banbury Shauna Burgoyne Jordan Garcia Jane Gatzemeier Ashley Gilbert Jadon Grove Rachael Johnson Rhonda Marzoq Erin McCabe Andrew Nguyen
Senior Spirit Week May Monday, May 11- Senioritis Day (wear PJ’s) Tuesday, May 12-College/Career Day Wednesday, May 13-Wet ‘n Wild Wednesday (beachwear) Thursday, May 14-Senior Citizen Day Friday, May 15-Black Out
Yearbook Senior Preview Party Thursday, May 14 Practice Gym Periods 5-7 Free DJ, snacks and friends! Buy a yearbook for $75 cash only Pick up or purchase only
Senior’s Last Bash n Tuesday, May 26 n Dave and Buster’s at Desert Ridge n 7:00-10:00 PM n FREE n DVHS seniors only! No guests or underclassmen allowed
“ Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail” Good Luck Class of 2015 See you at the University of Phoenix Stadium on May 29 at 1:30 PM