Institutional Strengthening and Review of Progress Francis Hale
Road Map Review of Network Status PIVA Results 2008 and Projections Review of Annual Policy Dialogue 2008 Towards Maputo – Annual Policy Dialogue 2009 The FANRPAN Leadership Award The Role of Nodes
bvb bvbv Status of Network
PIVA – The Tool Governance System Operations and Management System Human Resources Development System Financial Management System Programme and Service Delivery External Relations and Advocacy System Organisation Development Systems
PIVA Results 2008 FANRPAN Regional Secretariat Constitutional amendments to governance structure Implementation of operations and management systems Financial systems and external audits Improved programming focus Network visibility and recognition from engagements and presentations
Governance Systems * Assessment focused on node hosting institutions
Operations and Management System * Assessment focused on node hosting institutions
Human Resources Development System * Assessment focused on node hosting institutions
Financial Management System * Assessment focused on node hosting institutions
External Relations and Advocacy System * Assessment focused on node hosting institutions
Programme and Service Delivery Assessment focused on node hosting institutions Focus going forward
Group Discussion What positive developments have taken place in the nodes ? What are the areas of improvement? Which nodes are ready for evaluation in 2009?
PIVA Projections 2009+
The Role of Nodes The Annual Stakeholder Policy Dialogue Towards Maputo What role must the Nodes play?
Review of Annual Policy Dialogue 2008 RATINGS/SCALE: 1 = poor; 2 = could have been better; 3 = average; 4 = good; 5 = excellent Summary of Evaluation on 2008 Dialogue
Review of Annual Policy Dialogue 2008 Nodes and node hosting institutions activities and roles in different countries. More information about agriculture situation in different countries Interface between subsidy and marketing Impact assessment of FANRPAN Food systems, agro-industry, food safety Linkages between population and food security policy Research findings, how to trickle them down to the farmers Country stage in relation to food security Adaptation of food systems and food security policies to climate change and variability What the delegates wanted in future dialogues
Review of Annual Policy Dialogue 2008 What the delegates wanted in future dialogues The voucher / subsidy system New technologies of information / communication to advocate for agricultural policy Market driven production Sustainable input subsidies for Africa Cooperative for sustaining success in each country Water harvesting and food crisis Direct discussion with farmers and visit of infrastructures in rural areas Urban food security and food systems
Review of Annual Policy Dialogue 2008 What the delegates wanted in future dialogues Sharing of best practices Food production in relation to nutrition and livelihood in a comprehensive way Biofuels The Malawi green revolution Post-harvest innovations and commercial innovations for food security HVI - this should be discussed seriously
Towards Maputo – Annual Policy Dialogue 2009 Venue - VIP Hotel and Conference Centre, Maputo, Mozambique Important Dates - Arrival of Delegates - Monday 31 August Opening Ceremony - Tuesday 1 September Country Day/Field Visit - Wednesday 2 September Closing Day -Friday 5 September
Review of Annual Policy Dialogue 2008 GROUP ACTIVITY What did we learn? What should we START? What should we STOP? What should we CONTINUE?
Towards Maputo – Annual Policy Dialogue 2009 Planned in - Country Activities Initiate and sustain media campaigns up to and beyond Maputo Possible threads -“The true contribution of Agriculture to economic growth” and derivatives - What is FANRPAN? What is the role of FANRPAN in agricultural development - FANRPAN, CAADP and Maputo Declaration - FANRPAN and Climate Change - FANRPAN and Water - National Food Security Policies – who makes them and what is the impact? - National Policy Dialogues Media Tracking - What are the new policy positions? What do they mean to FANR?
Towards Maputo – Annual Policy Dialogue 2009 Planned in - Country Activities Convene and conduct national dialogues - Dialogue proceedings - Policy Advisory Notes Networking and Communications - Membership drive across all stakeholder groups - Engagement of local media fraternity - Regular distribution/bulletin - Population of Institutional and country page on FANRPAN website Brand Building and Custodianship - Acknowledgement, association and reference to FANRPAN - Activation of venues with FANRPAN materials
Towards Maputo – Annual Policy Dialogue 2009 Planned in-Country Activities Determination of Country Delegation - Stakeholder representation and level - Ongoing in-country research staff - Sponsored and self-sponsored delegates Development of country package for annual dialogue The FANRPAN Policy Leadership Award Compilation of issues for AGM
Towards Maputo – Annual Policy Dialogue 2009 Group Activity and Feedback Development of National Action Plans
Towards Maputo – Annual Policy Dialogue 2009 THANK YOU