January 2007 –853 New Associates 193/week Average February 2007 –1,103 New Associates 276/week Average Sponsoring
March 2007 –1,717 New Associates 388/week Average April 2007 –1,936 New Associates 452/week Average 2.3x more Jan 2007 Sponsoring
Sponsoring Summary 853 1,103 1,717 1,936
Over 21,000 MXI Associates Worldwide Where are our Associates located today? Associates by Region
United States | 90.65%
Japan | 5%
Canada | 3%
Other | 1.35% Philippines | 1% Australia | 0.1% Puerto Rico | 0.2% New Zealand | 0.05%
Overall Retention (June 05 to April 07) 80.1% January to April 2007 Retention 95.9% Retention * *Active MXI Distributor, may not be a Qualified MXI Distributor.
Monthly Sales | January % 2.9% 4.5% 0.8% TOTAL $1,200,563
Monthly Sales | February % 3.2% 4.1% 0.1% TOTAL $1,378,570
Monthly Sales | March % 4.1% 3.3% 0.01% TOTAL $1,932,715
Monthly Sales | April % 5.8% 3.9% 0.7% TOTAL $2,200,330
Sales Increase 78.3% 272.6% 57.5% 46.05%
2005 Direct Selling Association (DSA) Report, the Average Network Marketer’s MONTHLY Earnings are: $ 7 /Month! Compensation Plan
Average paid MXI Associate WEEKLY Earnings are $ / Week! Average paid MXI Associate MONTHLY Earnings are $ 670/ Month! Compensation Plan
January to April 2007 Total Commissions exceeded $ 3,000,000 Compensation Plan
Product Sales 50% 18% 17% 15%
New Tools Body By Xocolate™ Website “Healthy Chocolate, it’s a Beautiful Thing” DVD Over 35,000 copies distributed!
New Tools Party by Xocolate ™ coming soon! Global Cash Card coming soon!
New Tools Bonusable vs. Qualifying Volume Example, you personally enroll an Associate who activates Three Business Centers. $300 Quick Check Bonuses ($300 x 50% Payout = $150 or 1 x $150 = $150) $300 Bonusable Volume (BV) (Infinity Bonuses) $600 Activation Order $600 => 100% Qualifying Volume (QV)* *Rank Advancements & Maintenance Requirements YOU
Recent Top Advancements New Double Diamond Executives Wade & Laura Holbrook, Utah $50,000 Sales Volume Right & Left in TWO Week Period!
Recent Top Advancements Business Expansion Center Jared Overton, Utah –Earns Expansion Center –6th Expansion Center Earned in Network –$50,000 Sales Volume Right & Left in ONE Week Period –Twice as hard as earning the Double Diamond Rank!
International Update M arketing X ocolate I nternational
International Update Canada Opening Meeting was on April 20th & 21st, 2007 in Toronto, Ontario Canada Officially Opened Toronto Distribution Center Quickly approaching 1,000 Canadian Associates Average CAD Associate check is $211.64! Great Leadership!
International Update Japan –Distributor Office Opened in Shinagawa Intercity Tokyo, Japan Mid-April 2007.
International Update Australia (Flag) & New Zealand (Flag) MXI Corp & DSA finalizing Company/Product Registrations Plans to open an Australian Distribution Center 1st Week, Australian Market generated $14,000 in Sales! Great Leadership! Have you checked out the MXI Corp Website?
New Corporate Offices Two Levels of Executive Office Space 15,000+ sqf. Training Room 4,000+ sqf. Three Conference Rooms Work-out Gym Elevator And, on and on! Temperature Controlled Warehouse 68,0000+ sqf. Back-up Generator State-of-the-Art Shipping Technology Growth potential of $1,000,000,000+/yr in Sales
New Corporate Offices
General Celebration June 22nd & 23rd, 2007 –Reno, NV Casino Chips –Earn your Trip to Convention! Dr. Dan & Esther Sollee Colorado Springs, CO Tim & Gayle Driscoll Chicago, IL Chips TOP CHIP EARNERS
General Celebration June 22nd & 23rd, 2007 | Reno, NV Agenda New Corporate Office Ribbon Cutting Ceremony & Tour Leadership Workshops/Trainings James Ray, the Secret Corporate Vision Important: After May 21st Admission Ticket increases to $195/person and corporate rate at Atlantis Hotel & Casino is released, except for new Associates.
General Celebration $15,000 Jackpot Giveaways ( Based upon Casino Chip Program) o Grand Prize - $3,000 Cash o 2nd Prize - $2,000 Cash o 3rd Prize - $1,000 Cash o Exotic Trips & Cruises! Important: Only ONE Prize may be won per distributorship. Earned
State of the Company