Profit from our competence, please contact us: Stonefood Machinery 14 North Main Street Wexford Ireland Tel.: Please visit our website: Your Contact: Val Stone or Eoin Thompson
Process Cleaners Foaming Products
DS S 2F Satellite Foam satellite with 2 functions Made in stainless steel Water for flushing 30 l/min Water for foaming 10 l/min Working pressure 25 bar Very low service costs Easy operating Size: 300x400x130 mm
DS S 3F Satellite Foam satellite with 3 functions Made in stainless steel Water for flushing 30 l/min Water for foaming 10 l/min Water for desinfection 6 l/min Working pressure 25 bar Very low service costs Easy operating Size: 500x300x130 mm
Pumpstation PU R5 Pump capacity 100 l/min bar Power 5 kW Made in stainless steel Max. Temperature 80 O C Max satellites conecting at the same time Optimal construction Easy operating
Pump capacity 150 l/min bar Power 7,5 kW Made in stainless steel Max. Temperature 80 O C satellites conecting at the same time Optimal construction Easy operating Pumpstation PU R8
Pump capacity 100 l/min bar Power 5 kW 2 functions Made in stainless steel Max. Temperature 80 O C satellites conecting at the same time Optimal construction Easy operating Cleaning Center PC R5
Pumpstation special Pump capacity op to 1300 l/min bar Optimal construction 3 x 380 V AC Max. temp. 80 O C Easy operating op to 45 satellites working at the same time
Mobile Center MS S R2 Mobile cleaner 30 l/min Flushing and foaming Pressure Water: 20 bar Pump 2,2 kW stainless steel Hose 10 metre Ball Valve Handle Made in stainless steel Optimal construction Easy operating
Mobile foamsprayer litre Foaming 5 bar Chemicalconcentration % Made in stainless steel Optimal construction Easy operating
Trolley for DS S 2F satellite With hosereel With space for chemicalcontainers Made in stainless steel Optimal construction Easy operating
Mobile satellite MS S 2F Mobile satellite 30 l/min 2 functions Hose metre Made in stainless steel Optimal construction Easy operating
Automated satelitte PA S 3F Automated cleaning 30 l/min 3 functions bar Made in stainless steel Optimal construction Easy operating
Automated Cleaning Station Automated cleaning 100 l/min, 3 functions Manuel Cleaning, 2 functions Automatic hose reel water Automatic hose reel air Working pressure: bar Rack with space for containers Made in stainless steel Optimal construction Easy operating
Automated station PA R5 3F Automated cleaning 100 l/min Pump 5,5 kW 3 functions bar Made in stainless steel Optimal construction Easy operating
Automatic hose reel AHR 3100 Max. inlet pressure water: 50 bar Max. temp. inlet water: 70ºC Water inlet: ½” Lenght of discharge hose: 30 m Made in stainless steel Optimal construction Easy operating Weight: 26 kg Size: 310x590x600
Equipment for daily use Flushing Tubes Foam Tubes Desinfection Tubes Hoses from 1 to 35 meter Spayguns Nozzles Spare Parts
Selected References: Heineken Brewery Group Carlsberg Brewery, Denmark Tuborg Brewery, Denmark The Brewery Group, Denmark. Veltins Brewery, Germany Brandenburgische Mineralquelle Doemens Brewery University, Germany Kulmbach Brewery, Germany Grüneberg Brau, Germany Zywiec Brewery Poland (Heineken Brewery Group) Bravo International Brewery, Russia Coca-Cola Group, Denmark, Hungary, Germany Novo Nordisk Pharmaceutical Industries, Denmark Tetra Pak, Sweden Elopak, Norway Tine Dairy (The largest dairy group in Norway) GASA Odense Vegetabil, Denmark Aaså Dairy Cheese, Denmark Mammen Cheese Dairy, Denmark Koral Fisch, Norway Skagarak Fisch Export, Denmark Nord Fish, Poland Nopalax Salomon Factory, Denmark Imperial Meat Products Division, Belgium
Thank you for your interest. Stonefood Machinery 14 North Main Street Wexford Ireland Tel.: Your contact: Val Stone or Eoin Thompson Please visit our website: