Production of Dimethyl Sulfoxide from Lignin Team Bravo is: Jake Biberstein, Stan Das, Jeff Umbach, Russ Boyer, Krista Sutton, Mike Czepizak Project Lead: Jake Biberstein
Project Outline Design Basis Block Flow Diagram Process Flow Diagram Material and Energy Balances Calculations Annotated Equipment List Economic Evaluation Utilities Conceptual Control Scheme General Arrangement Distribution and End Use Constraints Review Applicable Standards Project Communications File Information Sources and References
Presentation Outline Preliminary Process Flow Sheet M & E Balances Stream Data Sample Calculations Cost Data
Preliminary PFD
Process Flow Diagram Legend Tanks T1: Black Liquor/NaOH Mixing Tank T2: NaOH Storage Tank T3: Surge Tank T4: Molten Sulfur Storage Tank T5: Spent Black Liquor Storage Tank T6: DMSO Product Storage Tank Reaction Units A: Black Liquor/Molten Sulfur Cooker D: DMS Oxidation Column Separation Units B: Desiccator C: DMS/N2 Evaporator E: DMS/DMSO Evaporator
Process Flow Diagram Legend (Cont.) Pumps P1: Sodium Hydroxide Feed P2: Surge Tank P3: DMS Reactor Feed P4: Sulfur Feed P5: DMS Product Heat Exchangers H1: BL Preheater H2: Sulfur Preheater H3: Separation Cooler H4: Expander Cooler H5: DMS Preheater Compressors/Expanders C1: DMS Recycle Compressor C2: N2 Recycle Compressor E1: DMS Reactor Turboexpander
Closeup of 1st Reaction Step
Closeup of 2nd Reaction Step
Necessary Equipment 4 Storage Tanks 2 Mixing Tanks with Propellers 5 Pumps 1 Jacketed CSTR 1 Reactor 1 Evaporators 5 Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers 3 Compressors 1 Turboexpander 1 Desiccator
Preliminary Costing Ce = a + bSn Ce = purchased equipment cost on a U.S. Gulf Coast Basis, January 2006 (CE index 478.6, NF refinery inflation index = 1961.6) a, b = cost constants (Table 6.6 Chemical Engineering Design, Towler) S = size parameter (Units given in Table 6.6 Chemical Engineering Design, Towler) n = exponent for that type of equipment Since we don't know the exact size of our equipment yet I'm using 0.75 of Supper All prices from ChE design Towler are for carbon steel unless specified Since most of our equipment has to be stainless steel we used to determine that the ratio of stainless steel cost to carbon steel (raw material) cost (roughly stainless steel is 4 times more expensive)
Evaporator (vertical tube) 17000 13500 640 480 0.6 565376.0903 Amount Equipment a b Supper 0.75*Supper n Ce (Carbon Steel) Ce (Stainless Steel) 1 Compressor/Expander 4200 27 5000 3750 0.8 23724.89821 94899.59282 Evaporator (vertical tube) 17000 13500 640 480 0.6 565376.0903 2261504.361 Cone Roof Tank 5700 700 4000 3000 0.7 195844.1281 783376.5123 Pumps 3300 48 500 375 1.2 62195.04509 248780.1804 Propellers 4300 1920 75 56.25 52539.10595 210156.4238 Insulated reactors 14000 15400 100 330274.083 1321096.332 U-Tube, Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers 10000 88 1000 750 76000 304000
Equipment type Number We Need Cost Compressor/Expander 4 $379,598.37 Evaporator (Vertical Tube) 1 $2,261,504.36 Cone Roof Tank $3,133,506.05 Pumps 5 $1,243,900.90 Propellers 3 $630,469.27 Insulated reactors $5,284,385.33 U-Tube, shell and tube heat exchanger $1,520,000 Total Cost of Equipment $ 14,453,364.28 Total Cost of Installation $ 57,813,457.13 [ Assuming installation = 5(Cost of Equipment)] Total Cost of Engineering $ 4,336,009.29 [Assuming Engineering Costs = 0.30(Cost of Equipment)] Total Cost of Equipment + Installation + Engineering Costs $ 76,602,830.70
Estimated Cost per kg Price of DMSO = $50/kg (from Fischer Chemical) Price of Black Liquor = $0.27 /kg (calculation shown below) Calculated value using energy density and cost of energy Energy Density of Black Liquor Estimated Cost of Energy
References Goheen, D. W. “Chemicals from Lignin by Nucleophilic Demethylation.” Forest Products Journal. 1962. v.12, no. 10, p. 471-473. Goheen, D. W. (1956). Process of Making Methyl Mercaptan. US Patent: US2840614. Halfdan, Smedslund Tor. (1958). Vapor Phase Oxidation. Us Patent: US2825744. “Lignin.” Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. 5th Edition. 2004. Towler, Gavin. Chemical Engineering Design. 2007. “Sulfur.” Wikipedia. “Methyl Mercaptan.” Wikipedia.