Producing Digital Download Content
Introduction Who am I? What am I talking about? What is Digital Content in the context of this talk?
What are the differences between Digital Content and Disc based games?
1.File size and Development team size. Original games Max size of 50Mb - Now 2Gb+ Crystal Quest Vs Duels of the Planeswalker Average team size = Around 20 2.Production cycle and timescale. Biggest difference between Digital and Disc products 2 months of Design, 4 months of Production, 3 months of QA Plan Up Front! QA Requirements 3.Format holders and how to work with them (or around them) XBLA Team Building relationships 4.Budget and Scope. Burn Rate and Man Months
How do you increase revenue for Digital Products?
1.DLC Convince Publisher Bigger, Better Experience Include DLC in Core Game Schedule Plan Release Schedule 2.Multiple platforms Products are easily Portable 20 – 30% extra for subsequent platforms Add Language Support 3.The Trial Experience Biggest Sales Tool Spend time designing Trial 4.Single player leader-board Easier for Companies to Calculate sales Vital piece of PR
Risk Vs Reward Short Dev cycle Continually looking for more work. Always working on something different. Smaller budgets Never able to fully explore the potential of the game. Publishers willing to take a risk on new games. Knowing your stuff Your experience can get you pigeon-holed Stainless become the “Go To“ developer for Digital Content.
Summary Understand the limitations of the digital format you are working in Make sure you scope out the game to fit your budget and timescale. Learn to iterate fast, both in game and in your plan. Get your QA requirements ready upfront. Contact your Format holders, make relationships and know their rules –listen to them! Maximise the budget and your revenue by making DLC, putting your game out on multiple platforms, create a great trial and put in a single player leaderboard Have fun and learn something new from every project you work on!