Bell Ringer #3: Wednesday 1/19/11 For its time, a knight’s armor would do a lot to protect is wearer during battle, despite how heavy it might have been. Over times armor and outfits for soldiers have changed based on the weaponry, time period, culture, etc. 1. What would knights wear in your court? How would you keep them safe, yet create an outfit that would allow movement and swiftness? 2. Describe your outfit using as many details as possible. Would outfits be different for ages, social status, or gender?
Sir Gawain video
Notes: Knighthood
Page, Squire, Knight Age 7-Page Servant in a household Learns weaponry, courtesy, religion, etc. Age 14- Squire Personal aide to a knight Age Knight If he can master the skills he is then knighted
What is a knight? Mounted warrior (found on horseback) Man of rank, or in service of a man of rank Generally possesses some independent means of support, but relies on the gratitude of those he has served Knights errant -- wandering knights who traveled the country in quest of adventure
Knight Training
AGE 7 Become a page or varlet Taken from home to the court or castle Taught first articles of religion, respect, and reverence for their lords Initiated in ceremonies of the court Carve, wait at table, and perform menial tasks Taught falconry, dancing, harp playing, hunting, fishing, wrestling, tilting with spears, & performing military exercises on horseback
AGE 14 Become a squire Taught to vault on a horse, to run, to scale walls, to spring over ditches – all in heavy armor Taught to wrestle, to wield the battle-axe without raising the visor or taking a breath Taught to perform gracefully on horseback Taught courtesy or refinements of civilization Encouraged to bestow his attentions on a young lady of the court
AGE 21 Initiation to the Knighthood Preparation for the Ceremony: Fast and spend whole nights in prayer Confession and communion Clothed in snow-white garment Go to church or hall where the ceremony is to be held Wear a knightly sword suspended from neck
Knighthood Ceremony Officiating priest takes the sword, blesses it, and returns it Candidate folds arms, kneels before presiding knight and answers questions about motives for becoming a knight Takes an oath Receives armor and sword Kneels before presiding knight who administers the accolade (3 strokes of a flat sword on the neck or shoulder) and says, “In the name of God, of St. Michael, and of St. George, I make thee a knight; be valiant, courteous, and loyal.” Receives helmet, shield, and spear
Knights of the Round Table The emblem of the Knights of the Round Table worn round the necks of all the Knights was given to them by King Arthur as part of the ceremony of their being made a knight. The Order's dominant idea was the love of God, people, and noble deeds. The cross in the emblem was to remind them that they were to live pure and stainless lives, to strive after perfection and thus attain the Holy Grail. The Red Dragon of King Arthur represented their allegiance to the King. The Round Table was illustrative of the Eternity of God, the equality, unity, and comradeship of the Order, and singleness of purpose of all the Knights.
Rules/Codes for Knights To never do outrage nor murder Always to flee treason To by no means be cruel but to give mercy unto him who asks for mercy To always do ladies, gentlewomen and widows succor (to go to the aid of one in distress; to help) To never force ladies, gentlewomen or widows Not to take up battles in wrongful quarrels for love or worldly goods To never lay down arms To seek after wonders When called upon, to defend the rights of the weak with all one's strength To injure no one Not to attack one another To fight for the safety of one's country To give one's life for one's country To seek nothing before honor Never to break faith for any reason To practice religion most diligently To grant hospitality to anyone, each according to his ability Whether in honor or disgrace, to make a report with the greatest fidelity to truth to those who keep the annals
Sections After you finish: Section 1: write your name and the meaning of your name. Then in this same section draw a picture Section 2: draw a picture representing your future plans/career choice. Section 3: draw a picture that represents something you love (a hobby for example). Section 4: draw something that you believe in. 1. Down or across the center of your shield you should write your motto. For example, your motto might be, "To protect all in my country." Remember, your motto is from the standpoint of a knight. 2. The last thing you need to do is write an explanation of each item on your shield. Write/attach this to the back of your shield. 1. Divide your shield into four sections of the same size. 2. Choose two colors for your shield.