Rule 208 – Permit and Burn Authorization for Open Burning, and Rule Open Burning April 16, 2009 Smoke Management Workshop
Ensure open burning is conducted in a manner that minimizes emissions and smoke Ensure open burning is conducted in a manner that minimizes emissions and smoke Protect public health and safety; minimize nuisance Protect public health and safety; minimize nuisance Objective of Rules
Rule 444 Applicability Applies to any person conducting or allowing any open burning: Agricultural burning Disposal of Russian thistle (Salsola kali or “tumbleweed”) Prescribed burning Fire prevention/suppression training Open detonation or use of pyrotechnics Fire hazard removal Others
What is Agricultural Burning? Agricultural Burning means open burning of vegetative materials produced wholly from the growing and harvesting of crops in agricultural operations.
You Must Obtain a written permit from AQMD or local Fire Protection Agency Obtain a written permit from AQMD or local Fire Protection Agency Obtain approval from local Fire Protection Agency Obtain approval from local Fire Protection Agency Obtain Burn Authorization Number by calling (909) , prior to 4:00 p.m. the day before the burn Obtain Burn Authorization Number by calling (909) , prior to 4:00 p.m. the day before the burn
What Can I Burn? Unwanted or unsalable materials produced wholly from agricultural operations directly related to the growing of crops or raising of fowl animals for the primary purpose of making a profit or for a livelihood.
What Can’t I Burn? Plastic, rubber, tar paper Plastic, rubber, tar paper Ornamental or landscape vegetation Ornamental or landscape vegetation Shop Wastes Shop Wastes Construction and demolition materials Construction and demolition materials Pesticide and fertilizer container Pesticide and fertilizer container Broken boxes Broken boxes Any kind of trash Any kind of trash Chemically treated wood Chemically treated wood
When can I burn? On permissive burn days On permissive burn days Upon receiving approval from AQMD and local fire department Upon receiving approval from AQMD and local fire department During the hours recommended by AQMD or local fire department During the hours recommended by AQMD or local fire department
PRESCRIBED BURNING Prescribed Burning means planned burning usually conducted by a public agency, or through cooperative agreement or contract involving a public agency. The purpose of prescribed burning is mainly for forest protection and vegetation management.
Requirements All Prescribed burning requires a Smoke Management Plan All Prescribed burning requires a Smoke Management Plan Requirements are based on acreage Requirements are based on acreage
Prescribed Burning Screening Process
Information Required for Smoke Management Plan Contact information Contact information Burn method and fuel type Burn method and fuel type Smoke sensitive areas Smoke sensitive areas Acceptable smoke prescription Acceptable smoke prescription Contingency planning Contingency planning Burn monitoring procedures Burn monitoring procedures Location and size of the burn Location and size of the burn Expected air emissions Expected air emissions Smoke travel projections Smoke travel projections Description of alternatives to burning Description of alternatives to burning Public notification procedures Public notification procedures
Fire Prevention/Suppression Training The instruction of employees in the methods of preventing or suppressing fires.
Exemptions for Training Burn Burn Day Requirements Burn Day Requirements Permit Requirement Permit RequirementProvided No Complete Burning of Structures No Complete Burning of Structures Each Fire does not exceed 30 min. Each Fire does not exceed 30 min. Meet Cumulative Burn Time Limits Meet Cumulative Burn Time Limits Approved Fuels are Used Approved Fuels are Used
Other Exemptions Recreational fires or ceremonial fires Recreational fires or ceremonial fires Preparation or warming of food for human consumption Preparation or warming of food for human consumption Generating warmth at a social gathering Generating warmth at a social gathering Fireworks displays Fireworks displays Pyrotechnics used for creation of special effects at theme parks Pyrotechnics used for creation of special effects at theme parks
Rules 208 and 444 Amended November 7, 2008
Improve tracking Improve tracking Limit public exposure to smoke Limit public exposure to smoke Improve enforceability Improve enforceability Reduce particulate emissions Reduce particulate emissions Purpose of Recent Rule Amendments
Recent Amendment to Rule 208 Clarifies that open burns must comply with the site-specific permit conditions
Utilizes the Air Quality Index (AQI) to determine permissive, marginal, and no burn days Prohibits agricultural burns within 1,000 feet of sensitive receptors Prohibits completely burning existing structures for fire prevention/suppression training Recent Amendments to Rule 444 (cont.)
Requires Burn Management Plans for agricultural burn projects >10 acres or projects that produce > 1 ton of PM Requires Burn Management Plans for agricultural burn projects >10 acres or projects that produce > 1 ton of PM Requires Smoke Management Plans to be updated annually Requires Smoke Management Plans to be updated annually Recent Amendments to Rule 444 (cont.)
Allow partial recovery of AQMD costs Allow partial recovery of AQMD costs Evaluation of Plans and Reports Allows burning as an emergency measure to protect crops from freezing Allows burning as an emergency measure to protect crops from freezing Other improvements Other improvements Recent Amendments to Rule 444 (cont.)
Adds the requirement of Air Quality Index standards to determine permissive burn days, marginal burn days, and no burn days Adds the requirement of Air Quality Index standards to determine permissive burn days, marginal burn days, and no burn days Permissive Burn Day:AQI 100 or less Marginal Burn Day: AQI 150 or less and AQI 100 or less in source/receptor area No Burn Day: AQI greater than 150
AQI Standards RangeAir quality 0-50Good 0-50Good Moderate Moderate Unhealthy for sensitive groups Unhealthy for sensitive groups Unhealthy Unhealthy Very unhealthy Very unhealthy Hazardous Hazardous Health concerns Poses little or no risk Poses little or no risk Small population affected Small population affected General public not affected General public not affected Everyone affected Everyone affected Serious health effects Serious health effects Emergency Emergency
Rule 444 Implementation Timely submittal of Annual Post Burn Evaluation Report Timely submittal of Annual Post Burn Evaluation Report Contact information of Responsible Party Contact information of Responsible Party Burn Authorization Number Requests Burn Authorization Number Requests –Timely Requests –Complete Information Supplied –Valid Phone Numbers
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