Assessing Service Property Priorities (SPPs) 2005/6 Presented by: Eileen Ziemer
Scope and Context last year £1.8 billion asset book value £122 million spending on property £42 million p.a. average sales
Property Plan Property Programmes Property Performance Report Property Context Report Service Property Priorities Capital & Revenue Programmes December to April Service Property DATA April to JulySeptember to March Capital Strategy Budget process Feedback on Performance Our asset management approach annual cycle
Assessing SPPs Audit & Review Member Challenge Implementation
Objectives that support the Property Vision HCC Property Vision To only use property that sustains and supports service delivery Property Objective 1 To ensure that our property is appropriate for its intended use in terms of suitability, sufficiency, condition, cost & environmental impact Property Target 1 Achieve 95% of our property to be fit for purpose and sustain service delivery by 2020
Coverage this year 7 Service Property Priorities: Fire & Rescue Library Service Environment Offices Adult Care Services Children, Schools & Families - Schools Children, Schools & Families - Non-Schools
Service Property Priorities (SPPs) (attached is an example of an SPP from 2004) SPPs are in 4 parts
1 st Part of SPP Report shows detailed data for each property we use to deliver services: shows component and overall Red, Amber,Green (RAG) traffic lights shows the property’s contribution to Property Target 1 (if owned by us) Note Overall Red properties and look for the difference between this year and last year
2 nd Part of SPP Report Summary Assessment a table summary of the state of all properties from which services are delivered look for the service’s total number of overall red traffic lights for this year, compared with last year shows where most of the problems are – i.e. in condition, suitability, sufficiency, etc.
3 rd Part of SPP Report Contribution to Property Plan target % of our properties to be fit for purpose and sustain service delivery by 2020 shows a summary of properties in HCC control look for the number of reds that are unfit for purpose and cannot be improved or will not sustain service delivery – should we be disposing of them ? look at the number of amber-oranges – these are reds we can improve through investment. Are they in our capital & revenue plans ?
4 th Part of SPP Report Priorities and Actions Does it give a useful view of the possible premises needs / changes to meet future service direction, aims and aspirations? Do Priorities and Actions link to service future direction? Do the Priorities and Actions correspond with the problems identified earlier in the SPP? Is it clear what problems cannot be resolved in the coming year? Is there a link between Fitness for Purpose and Sustaining Service Delivery to Investment and Disposal Strategies?
Property Target Traffic Light definition RED Property that is partially, wholly, and/or materially Unfit for Purpose because of significant problems in relation to one or more issues, will not sustain service delivery for 7 years, or may not be able to be economically improved sufficiently to become fit for purpose These properties may need to be released to ensure that the service can continue to be delivered satisfactorily, and should feature in the Property Release Programmes
Property that is partially, wholly, and/or materially unfit for purpose because of significant problems in relation to one or more issues and may be able to be economically improved. These properties require either investment or releasing to ensure that the service can continue to be delivered satisfactorily. They should feature in the Property Improvement Programmes & Property Release Programmes Property Target Traffic Light definition AMBER/ORANGE
Service Property Priorities Powerpoint Presentations Should make clear: Service Direction - long & short term aims and objectives and the possible premises needs / changes to meet future service direction, aims and aspirations. Big Property issues Status of all properties used to deliver services How the service is meeting Property Plan Target 1 Broad areas for priority and action Significant actions for individual properties Funding issues
Service Property Priorities 2005/6