Overview Tennessee Emergency Management Agency National Guard Military Duty Status, Command and Control Mission Tasking Public Private Partnership
Coordinate response and recovery during emergencies to reduce loss of life and property in Tennessee; and, when not in an emergency, to plan, train, exercise, and otherwise prepare for response, recovery and mitigation.
TEMA armed for disaster with high-tech punches
State Active Duty - activated by the Governor for a state purpose authorized by state law. The Guard is employed at state expense as provided in the state constitution and statutes Title 32 - In accordance with Title 32 U.S. Code, § 502 (f) (1), the National Guard may be ordered to perform “other duty” to respond to domestic emergencies or other needs. This authority has been employed to provide airport security, to protect the borders, and to respond to natural disasters. Although these duties are wholly federally funded, for all such duty, the National Guard remains under the command and control of the Governor Title 10 - activated by the President, for a federal purpose, authorized by federal law, under federal control, at federal expense for national defense purposes at home or throughout the world and become indistinguishable elements of the federal military force. “Federalized” forces are under the exclusive control of the President and are beyond the access, control and supervision of the Governor, even when operating within the state.
DSC Parallel
County EMA Inputs WebEOC Request Tennessee EMA Tennessee National Guard JFHQ TN Major Subordinate Command TN National Guard Unit TN Unit Arrives to Conduct Mission
“Working together for a better disaster response and recovery”
There is no way government can solve the challenges of a disaster with a government-centric approach. It takes the whole team. And the Private Sector provides the bulk of the services every day in the community.
Defining Public-Private Partnership: Communication Building Relationships, Enhancing Understanding Coordinating Pre-Disaster Plans, Post-Disaster Needs Collaborating Whole Community Approach It is NOT: A solicitor of goods and services Contracting/Acquisitions Donations Portal
Benefits of Public-Private Partnership: Continuity of Community Continuity of Private Sector Operations Enhanced Situational Awareness Development of Partnerships Improved Private Sector Support
Why Put Forth The Effort? Active Audience in Disseminating Information Broad Reach, Robust Networks, Captive Audience Large Manufacturing/Industrial Areas are communities Primary Partner in Disaster Operations Planning and Integration Continuity Planning, Capabilities, Status Affects numerous ESFs Resilient Economic Engine Driving Recovery Employment, Tax Revenue, Providers of Basic Needs, Normalcy “It was like Christmas Day when Sonic reopened”
Successes: Before-During-After a Disaster Before Disaster: Relationship Building Knowing Who’s Who During Disaster: Mass Communication Donations/Volunteers After Disaster: Industry Information Sharing Long Term Housing/Recovery Expos
Facts: 84% of companies use remote/commercial servers 80% of community is Private Sector 75% of Americans live within 5 miles of a Walgreens 25% of businesses fail after disaster Primary role by sustaining capability to ensure orderly functioning in economy Stability Confidence
FEMA Involvement: 2010: Public-Private Partnership Initiative 2011: Private Sector Liaison in Each Region 2012: National BEOC Annual Conferences with Private Sector Companies
Tennessee Emergency Business Advisory Group (TEBAC) Started in January 2012 Structure: Tennessee Based Companies Associations (Banking/Grocers/Fuel/etc) Chamber of Commerce Alignment: By Sectors Meeting Quarterly Engagement with FEMA Currently Defining BEOC
Transportation Fedex Bridgestone Auto Zone Volkswagen CSX Ingram Barge Financial First Tennessee/First Horizon Health HCA Baptist Blue Cross-Blue Shield Communication Verizon AT&T Utilities/Fuel Pilot Delek TVA Marathon Commodities/Equipment Dollar General Caterpillar Wal-Mart Target Walgreens Kroger Publix Lowes Home Depot Sears JCPenney
Examples of Partnerships: Fedex Training for Employees Information Exchange Exercise Walmart Transportation of Goods Lowes Access and Re-Entry