Registration (Particulars of Participants) (SGD) S$2,500 + S$175 (7% Goods & Services Tax, GST) Note: GST is applicable to Singapore based participants only Course Fees I agree that LTA Academy shall not be liable for any loss, damages and/or injury, including loss of life, which I may suffer arising out of or in connection with this Course, whether the loss, damage and/or injury was suffered on any of Land Transport Authority’s premises or at any other venue(s) in connection with this Course. I have read and fully understood all the terms, conditions, requirements and enrolment criteria for this Course. I understand and accept that Land Transport Authority may reject my application for enrolment for this Course at its sole discretion without giving any reason. Signature of Applicant / Date Fax or the completed registration form to : or The closing date for registration is 6 March ROAD SAFETY REVIEWER ACCREDITATION COURSE 28 to 31 March 2011 LTA Academy Blk 5A Level 1, No. 1 Hampshire Road, Singapore Name (use BLOCK letters) : (This name will appear on the Certificate) NRIC / FIN / Passport No : Citizenship :Date of Birth : Office Tel :Mobile Tel : Company Name : Address : Job Designation : Experience in transport / traffic engineering : Important: Please proceed to fill in next page for payment purpose.
LTA Academy - Course Registration Form Course to register Please register me to attend the following course: Course Title: Road Safety Reviewer Accreditation Course Course Code : IDM111347Course Date: 28 to 31 March 2011 Particulars of participant Name*: Job Title: Department: Organisation*: *: Country*: Telephone: Number of persons attending: (If more than one, please attach particulars.) Professional body (Singapore only): Professional registration no.: Contact person for billing purpose (if not the participant) Name: Department: Telephone: Fax: Payment Amount of SGD* (S$) : Pay by (please tick against box )*: I enclose my Cheque/Draft payable to “Land Transport Authority”. Cheque number is: I am paying by bank transfer: copy attached, and the bank draft number is: I am eligible for discount and the amount paid is after discount (see Terms & Conditions) Sign and register Authorised signature: Date: I send signed and completed form, together with payment, by (please tick): Mail to LTA Academy, No.1 Hampshire Road, Singapore , Republic of Singapore Fax to (65) to (to attach completed Method of payment All payment should made in Singapore dollars Payments by S$ bank draft or cheque should be made payable to: “Land Transport Authority”, please quote course title and course code at the back of cheque. Payment by telegraphic transfer, in S$, must be made to: LAND TRANSPORT AUTHORITY; A/C No: (SGD) Bank Code: 7171; Branch Code: 001; Bank Name: DBS Bank Ltd Bank Address: 6 Shenton Way, DBS Building Tower 2, Singapore Swift BIC (Bank Identifier Code): DBSSSGSG GST registration number: M Enquiries: Mr. Sian Chean Chin Tel: (65) , or Terms and Conditions Withdrawals/Refunds of Fees 1. Notice of withdrawal must be given in writing, policy on refund of course fee is as follows: More than 14 working days before the commencement date : Full refund Less than 14 but more than 7 working days preceding commencement : 50 % refund Within 7 working days before the commencement date : No refund Fee Discount 2. See our programme brochure for eligibility for fee discount or checked with approved professional organisations in Singapore. LTA Academy reserves the right not to register you if LTA Academy cannot verify your membership with the stated society/organisation or if you do not provide the membership number. 3. You shall pay the remaining amount if LTA Academy is unable to verify your membership with the stated society. Late interest payment charges 4. LTA Academy reserves the right to charge you interest for all late payments. The late interest payment charge shall be at 2% p.a. above the average prevailing prime rate of the local banks as determine by the Authority at the time it is levied.