2013 ACT User Conference Jim Brod 1.  Legislative Changes  Payment Processing Interface  SIT Portal  Frozen Accounts  Refunds & Agents  New Reports.


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Presentation transcript:

2013 ACT User Conference Jim Brod 1

 Legislative Changes  Payment Processing Interface  SIT Portal  Frozen Accounts  Refunds & Agents  New Reports & Calculations  Re-Sizing Screens  Calendar  Main Menu Enhancements  What’s Coming in ACT? 2

3  HB 1597-Allows an individual to pay installment payments on the taxes imposed on the residence homestead of the individual in four equal installments without penalty or interest if the first installment is paid before the delinquency date and is accompanied by a notice to the taxing unit that the person will pay the remaining taxes in three equal installments.

4  HB 585-If the collector for a taxing unit does not respond to an application for a refund on or before the 90th day after the date the application is filed with the collector, the application is presumed to have been denied. Not later than the 60th day after the date the collector for a taxing unit denies an application for a refund, the taxpayer may file suit to compel the payment of the refund. If the collector collects taxes for more than one taxing unit, the taxpayer shall join in the suit each taxing unit on behalf of which the collector denied the refund. If the taxpayer prevails in the suit, the taxpayer may be awarded costs of court and reasonable attorney’s fees in an amount not to exceed the greater of: $1,500; or 30% of the total amount of the refund determined by the court to be due.

5  HB 97- ◦ Provides for the exemption from ad valorem taxation of part of the appraised value of the residence homestead of a partially disabled veteran or the surviving spouse of a partially disabled veteran if the residence homestead was donated to the disabled veteran by a charitable organization. ◦ Provides for the continuation of exemptions for surviving spouses and the transfer to a new homestead ◦ Clarifies that disabled veterans are eligible for installment plans for property tax payments

6  HB 1712-Provides a person is entitled to an exemption from taxation of the personal property the person owns or leases that is used, constructed, acquired, stored, or installed solely as part of an offshore spill response containment system, or that is used solely for the development, improvement, storage, deployment, repair, maintenance, or testing of such a system, if the system is being stored while not in use in a county boarding on the Gulf of Mexico or on a bay or other body of water immediately adjacent to the Gulf of Mexico.

7  HJR 562-Proposes a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem taxation of all or part of the market value of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a member of the armed services of the United States who is killed in action.

8  HB 2712-Provides for an exemption from ad valorem taxation of energy storage systems used for the control of air pollution in a nonattainment area. Defines “energy storage system”. Provides that a school district is entitled to additional state aid for the exemption of an energy storage device. The bill is bracketed for an area designated as a nonattainment area of the federal Clean Air Act; and a municipality with a population of at least 100,000 adjacent to a municipality with a population of more than two million.

9  SB 1792-Requires a county assessor-collector to refuse to register or renew the vehicle registration of a motor vehicle if it has received written notice from a toll project entity that the owner of the vehicle has been determined to be a habitual violator  SB 546-Requires a county assessor-collector to complete 20 hours of continuing education, including 10 hours of instruction on laws relating to the assessment and collection of property taxes; and continuing education courses on ethics and the constitutional and statutory duties of the county assessor-collector annually.

10  New interface with RT Lawrence Remittance Solution  Scanners automatically process tax payments and attach images of checks stubs and documentation to ACT accounts  Reduces manual payment processing for both property tax and Motor Vehicles

11  New solution for dealerships to enter information and pay their accounts online  Increases efficiency and reduces errors in calculations  Entry available for motor vehicles, heavy equipment, retail manufactured housing, and vessels and outboard motors


Users will be able to select the dealership they want to view tax statement history for by selecting the radio button next to the dealership they want to view and click the “Select.” To submit a Tax Declaration users can click the “Annual Declaration Link.” 13

14 Users can enter their breakdown of sales, sales amounts, and enter the market value of their motor vehicle inventory. The Market Value will also be calculated.

15 Information from past Tax Statements that have been filed, saved, or completed and paid off will be displayed here. Users will be able to file a new sales report, edit saved tax statements that have not been finalized, or pay the statements on this screen.

16 Users can enter their breakdown of sales, sales amounts, and enter the market value of their motor vehicle inventory. The Market Value will also be calculated.

17 Users can provide the following information about each vehicle sold during the reporting month, including year, make, VIN number, and sale information.

18 Users can provide information of their total sales for the month, calculate, and receive a total amount due.

19 A list of each piece of heavy equipment that’s been sold, leased, or rented according to the user will be displayed on this screen.

Users can provide information of their total sales for the month, calculate, and receive a total amount due. 20

 Users can enter their breakdown of sales, sales amounts, and enter the retail manufactured housing inventory. Provides calculations for the housing inventory. 21

 A list of each manufactured housing that’s been sold according to the user will be displayed on this screen. Users can add new sales records or edit this statement they can click on save. 22

 Users can provide information of their total sales for the month, calculate, and receive a total amount due. 23

 Users can provide information of their total sales for the month, calculate, and receive a total amount due. 24

25  When you click save and calculate:

26  New Screen to Compare Freeze Info:

27  Choose Years to recalculate:

28  View changed levy before saving:

29  Access to Comparison Screen from Frozen Amounts Tab

 Agents are tied to accounts if Agent No. flag is populated on Owner Detail screen. For litigated refunds, the Fiduciary No. field should also be populated.  Fiduciary Master ◦ Adj Refund Use Address - checks are made payable to the owner, but use the agent address ◦ Adj Refund Use Name/Address - checks are made payable to the owner, but use the agent address ◦ Adj Refund On Hold - all adjustment refunds for this fiduciary placed on hold ◦ Refund Fiduciary – indicates this fiduciary is a fiduciary (info only) 30

 BMI 326 (TC536 Refund Report) – new parameters ◦ Agent Control (N – no change, Y – use agent control logic) ◦ Agent No. 31



 Currently, TCS screen automatically re-size when a user moves from one screen to another  If a user has shrunk the Account Status screen, it will automatically revert to a larger size when you look at the account master  Screens also automatically move to the top left corner of the monitor 34


 We are currently working on changing each screen in the TCS system.  If a user shrinks a screen, they will be able to move to a different screen without the size expanding.  TCS screens will also not automatically revert to the to left corner of the monitor, allowing user to more efficiently use double monitors 36


Interactive features? 38

 Release notes  Upgrade notices  Tax Office & ACT messages 39

This is the old What will the new design be? 40

Waiting Room Queue System? 41

Alerts? 42