6 th Annual Focus Users’ Conference 6 th Annual Focus Users’ Conference ERP Accounts Payable ERP Accounts Payable Presented by: Kim Newman ERP Project Coordinator PowerPoint by: C.J. Obartuck Presented by: Kim Newman ERP Project Coordinator PowerPoint by: C.J. Obartuck
Purchasing Permissions & Approval Flow Purchasing Permissions Use the ERP Menu Permissions to setup specific Purchasing menu functionality per user profile type
Purchasing Permissions & Approval Flow Approval Flow Setup FOCUS uses an electronic approval flow instead of requiring signatures, requiring less paperwork. There are three basic elements to establishing approval flows: 1.Direction Nodes 2.Approval Nodes 3.Connectors (links)
Purchasing Permissions & Approval Flow Approval Permissions Identify individual ERP users to associate with each Approval Group node setup in the Approval Flow. Define permissions for approvals across the accounting strip. Asterisks equal “all access” Approval Group drop-down selections are driven by the unique titles defined as Approval Group nodes on the Approval Flow screen. There is precise control over accounting strips. Entries are deleted by using the red minus sign to the left.
Purchase Orders Purchase Requests/Orders Screen Enter New Drafts (Standard/Blanket) Duplicate or Edit Existing Drafts Access Orders Needing Approval and Quickly Review Create Templates for Recurring PO’s Search using Request History
Purchase Orders General Information Houses basic information regarding Contacts, Delivery Destination and other relevant details about the PO. Vendors are based on vendor data imported by the district. Author and Request Type fields will auto-populate based on the user’s profile Request Date/Status field will populate once the PR is approved (shown as “Draft” until then)
Purchase Orders Line Items, Allocations, and Miscellaneous Enter items to be ordered along with details regarding the order. In essence, these are the specifics of the order and what’s printed on the PO for the vendor. Allocate funding for the specific request. Attach files and comments for future reference. If an invalid strip or total is entered, the user is alerted immediately Drag and drop, scan, or upload file attachments directly to the PR (after 15 minutes, file uploads cannot be deleted)
Receiving & Releasing Purchase Orders Receiving & Releasing Purchase Orders Receive Orders Mark orders as “received” in the system, as they arrive. Complete on a gross or itemized basis for each order. Add comments and modify data regarding items or returns. Only the Delivery Destination has access to receive as orders arrive Search by Vendor or PO number. Upon selecting a vendor, all open PO’s will be displayed. Click the blue PO Number to view. Receive all or individual items Notify and recipients
Receiving & Releasing Purchase Orders Receiving & Releasing Purchase Orders Release Orders Once items are inspected, complete and in good condition release the invoice to be paid. Indicate as reviewed for quality and ready for payment. Details directly from each PO are shown; choose to release each PO in its entirety, or single items contained within a single PO. Note: This portion should state they will ONLY allow for invoice after released.
Invoices Allows district users to apply invoices to PO’s that have been received and released for new check runs Batches must be created before invoicing Batches can be created, reviewed, or deleted* from the initial screen Once a batch is created, use either the PO Invoice or Non-PO Invoice tab to attach invoices to the designated batch * Batches can ONLY be deleted in the event of a typo or other error
Invoices PO and Non-PO Invoices PO Invoices: select the batch that will be used to pay the invoice, use the PO # pull-down to apply the invoice to an existing PO Non-PO Invoices: (such as travel payments) select the batch and vendor for which the invoice will be entered
Invoices PO Invoices Choose either to create a single invoice based off a PO or multiple invoices. Enter the invoice # and date from the actual invoice received from the vendor. The amount populates based on the PO. Click the PO # (3) to open a separate browser tab displaying the full PO. Create an Invoice Based on a PO (1) attaches a single invoice number to the entire PO. This auto-loads the accounting strips and amounts associated. Select Create Multiple Invoices Based on a PO (2) to enter multiple invoice numbers and attached associated accounting strips.
Revenue Refunds Allows for writing refund checks using revenue accounts. Start by choosing the Batch and Vendor applicable to the refund check. Enter the invoice #, refund date, and select the revenue accounting strip. The total refund is auto-calculated for each line, and appears at the bottom of the screen. Click Submit to make the refund available for posting through the Batches tab.
Invoices Posting Batches Once finished entering and reviewing invoices, the batch is ready to be posted. Return to the Batches tab and click Review/Post. The Batch Review shows details of the invoices and PO’s in the batch. Clicking a PO # or Invoice # will open the selected item in the Invoice Lookup tab.
Checks Locate a check to void or reprint by using the Lookup Check feature To better refine the report, turn the Filters ON. To view a specific Check Run Summary, click the View button From the summary, find the specific check and void it. Focus handles all journal entries associated with void checks.
Checks Check Runs Uncheck invoices to exclude from the check run. Checks are listed in alpha order, but printed in sort order. Checked entries are totaled and displayed. Users can start a check run by Batch, Fund, or a specific Vendor. Check Run Title allows for naming individual runs Journal/Check Date can be modified to allow check printing on a date prior to being issued
Checks Check Run Summary The bank, total, creator, and date will be displayed; click Print Multiple invoices MAY be included on a single check if chosen on the vendor screen Voided checks appear greyed out on the run and show the voided date A void watermark and the check number will be shown on the printed check.
Checks Positive Pay and ACH Deposits From the Check Run Summary, use the Positive Pay button to prepare a text file sent to the bank to inform them of incoming check information. Use the ACH tab to review and run an ACH file for direct deposits. This tab shows payments for vendors that have been designated for direct deposit, and current and previous ACH deposits
Purchasing Reports PR/PO, Invoice, and Check Reports Utilize key search and refinement features to customize any report Swift Box Searching Filtering and Drill-Downs Export and Print Use the Export icons to open reports directly in MS Excel or to print
Vendor Maintenance Access and review information for all active/inactive vendors. Use the choose a vendor pull-down to quickly locate a vendor by all or partial names. Vendors are listed alphabetically by display name. By default, the screen loads vendors starting with “A”. Choose the beginning letter and the status of vendors to display, or use the Choose a Vendor pull-down. Select a vendor to view specific contact and payment information.
6 th Annual Focus Users’ Conference 6 th Annual Focus Users’ Conference Presentation by Kim Newman ERP Project Coordinator PowerPoint by C.J. Obartuck Software Trainer
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