Quality Service...Every Student...Every Time! Holly Surginer / Kathy Pettigrew
Herman Tucker Director, Records & Registration Kim Henderson Sr. Administrative Secretary Kathy Pettigrew, Assistant RegistrarHolly Surginer, Assistant Registrar Adela Cruz-Roark, Records TechnicianKathryn Moon, Records Assistant Lesli McKinney, Records TechnicianLinda Snider, Records Assistant Esther Ramirez, Records Technician
T/FStudent Records receives and clears transcripts from other colleges and high schools.
FALSE – The Admissions Office/Highlander Central receives incoming transcripts and Admissions clears incoming transcripts.
T/FStudent records maintains/has access to to immunization records turned into Health Careers departments.
False – Health Careers departments maintain these records.
T/FStudent Records has access to view Financial Aid documents since they technically are records.
False – Our office is only able to view on Datatel that documents have been received. We do not have access to view these documents.
T/FStudent Admissions is responsible for posting transfer work for transfer students.
Herman Tucker evaluates and makes recommendations regarding student refund appeals.
Student Records assist students when they can’t register due to the following: Pre-Requisites Special Circumstances Once students have been advised/eligible to register, our office can assist students using WebAdvisor registration for the first-time or those having difficulty using WebAdvisor registration. Our office in cooperation with Information Systems is responsible for setting up/maintaining registration dates and parameters in Datatel to allow registration for specific semesters.
We verify that instructors have certified class rolls for credit and continuing education. We also verify student counts in each course for State Reports.
Our office is in charge of conducting 3 commencements a year. ◦ Spring ◦ Summer ◦ Fall We evaluate students who have applied for graduation. We also identify those who have not applied and notify them of their eligibility. ◦ Since 2010, graduation is now posted for these students and we notify them of their graduation. At the end of the semester, graduation is posted for every student who is eligible. Graduate grades are now consistently due the Wednesday prior to commencement. Reverse Transfer Graduation
Student records is responsible for generating and maintaining automated degree plans in cooperation with academic and workforce departments for ALL approved programs offered at MCC.
Enrollment Verifications consist of the following: * Regular Student Verifications * Proof For Insurance * Proof For Scholarships * Proof For Military Regular Proof of Enrollment (Full Time / Half Time / Part Time) Good Student Verifications * Used for Auto Insurance Deferment Request * Needed to defer student loans. Child Care Services Verification (CCS) Important Verification Information * The only 2 verifications we can verify pre-registration are for CCS and Scholarship Verifications.
Based on the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 1974 requests for official McLennan Community College transcript requests must be in writing by the student with the student's signature using one of the following options: In person – By mail – By fax – By - Print and complete the transcript request form, scan the form and the file to request FERPA does allow for transcript request through WebAdvisor if the transcript is being sent to another college/university. Processing time is 2 business days and 3 during peak times (beginning and ending of a semester). Students have access to their unofficial MCC transcript through WebAdvisor.
Our office in cooperation with Highlander Central handle add/drops when students have difficulty adding/dropping due to the following reasons: Prerequisite Problems After 2 nd class day during long semesters. After 1 st class day during summer and minimester sessions.
Census date--The date in an academic term for which an institution is required to certify a person’s enrollment in the institution for the purposes of determining formula funding for the institution. Spring/Fall 12 th Class Day Summer4 th Class Day Minimester2 nd Class Day
We direct the retention and destruction of college records. The Texas State Library provides a retention/destruction schedules for community colleges.
Our office monitors the process for CE refunds & outstanding balances.
Herman Tucker coordinates this with our Athletic Director ( Shawn Trochim). Herman checks grade point averages and number of hours enrolled for all athletes to ensure they meet eligibility requirements. These reports are then submitted by the Athletic Director to the NJCAA.
Our office gathers the registration information and provides the information to Marketing and Communications office for inclusion onto the website.
CBM00A-CE Student Enrollment CBM00C-CE Class Report CBM0E1-Students Enrolled As Of Final Day Of The Semester CBM00M-Marketable Skill Awards CBM00S-Individual Courses & Grades By Student As Of The Final Day Of Each Semester CBM001-Credit Student Enrollment CBM002-TSI – Texas Success Initiative CBM004-Credit Class Enrollment CBM008-Faculty Report CBM009-Graduation -Graduation -Field of Study -Core Curriculum These reports provide information for state funding and statistics about the MCC.
Our office processes all course substitutions for students that have been approved by the appropriate dean. Major changes are now almost exclusively handled through WebAdvisor by advisors; however, there are still special circumstances in which our office processes these request. We are also responsible for storing these to the imaging system.
Student Records is responsible for the imaging of all documents received by Admissions, Highlander Central, and Student Records This allows for other departments to have visual access to student records.