The International Society Indonesian Oil Palm Research Institute ANNOUNCEMENT International Colloquium on CORRESPONDENCE All correspondence and enquiries should be addressed to: The Secretariat The International Society for Oil Palm Breeders (ISOPB) c/o MPOB, 6 Persiaran Institusi, Bandar Baru Bangi 43000 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia Technical Dr N. Rajanaidu E-mail: or Telephone: +6012-2056876 Fax: +603-89261337 Registration Ms Azleha Dollah E-mail: Telephone:+603-87694760 Fax: +603-89261995 To: The International Society for Oil Palm Breeders (ISOPB) c/o Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) No. 6, Persiaran Institusi, Bandar Baru Bangi 43000 Kajang, Selangor MALAYSIA (Attn: Ms Azleha Dollah) Harnessing the Oil Palm Genome for Breeding 16 June 2014 (Monday) Venue Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center Bali, Indonesia ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Advisor: Chairperson: Co-Chairperson: Secretary: Treasurer: Members: Secretariat: Dr A. Kushairi Din (MPOB, Malaysia) Dr N Rajanaidu (MPOB, Malaysia) Dr Razak Purba (IOPRI, Indonesia) Dr Zulkifli Yaakub (MPOB, Malaysia) Mr Mustafa Kamal (Sime Darby, Malaysia) Mr Musa Bilal (Sime Darby, Malaysia) Mr Noh Ahmad (MPOB, Malaysia) Mr Wong Choo Kien (AAR, Malaysia) Mr Mohd Isa Zainol Abidin (Kulim, Malaysia) Ms Azleha Dollah (MPOB, Malaysia) Ms Yurna Yenni (IOPRI, Indonesia) Mr Mohamad Arif (IOPRI, Indonesia) Mr Nanang Supena (IOPRI, Indonesia) ISOPB IOPRI The International Society for Oil Palm Breeders Indonesian Oil Palm Research Institute Jointly Organized by
REGISTRATION FORM International Colloquium on International Colloquium on Harnessing the Oil Palm Genome for Breeding 16 June 2014 Bali, Indonesia Salutation: (Prof / Dr / Mr / Ms / Others………..….…..…) (Please circle appropriate salutation. For ‘others’, please indicate) Name:_______________________________________ Designation:__________________________________ Organization:_________________________________ Address: ____________________________________ ____________________________________________ Tel:____________________ Fax:_________________ Email:_______________________________________ I am interested to participate in the seminar. Enclosed is a cheque / bank draft number________________________ payable to ‘The International Society for Oil Palm Breeders’ for the amount of: (please mark X at the appropriate box) Registration form with full payment is to be received by ISOPB before 1 June 2014. Confirmation of registration will be issued upon receipt of full payment. Please submit to: The Secretariat The International Society for Oil Palm Breeders (ISOPB) c/o MPOB, No. 6, Persiaran Institusi, Bandar Baru Bangi, 43000 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia. (Attn: Ms Azleha Dollah) INTRODUCTION REGISTRATION FEE ISOPB Seminar registration fee per participant: ISOPB member: US$ 100 RM 330 Non-member: US$ 150 RM 500 The fee covers Colloquium materials, lunch and refreshments. Payment by cheque / bank draft should be made payable to “The International Society for Oil Palm Breeders”. Payment via telegraphic transfer can be made to: Name: The International Society for Oil Palm Breeders Account number: 1219-0006950-05-3 Swift code: CIBBMYKL Address: CIMB Bank, 9 & 10, Jalan Tun Abdul Aziz, 43000 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia. All bank charges are to be borne by the participant. Kindly fax or email a copy of the telegraphic transfer slip to: Ms Azleha Dollah at fax: +603-89261995 email: Cancellation and Refund Policy: A refund of 50% will be made for written cancellation received before 1 May 2014. Refund will not be applicable thereafter. A substitute participant is allowable at no additional cost. Bali Nusa Dua Convention Centre Kawasan Nusa Dua Blok NW/1 (BTDC) Bali 80363 - Indonesia Tel: +62361773000 Fax: +62361778880 Email: REGISTRATION FORM The International Society for Oil Palm Breeders (ISOPB) and the Indonesian Oil Palm Research Institute (IOPRI) are organizing a half-day international Colloquium on “Harnessing the Oil Palm Genome for Breeding” on 16 June 2014. This Colloquium is in conjunction with the 5th Quadrennial International Oil Palm Conference (IOPC) on 17-19 June 2014. The ISOPB-IOPRI Colloquium will review oil palm genome efforts and its application to oil palm breeding for genetic improvement. o To review efforts in oil palm genome programme; o To update application of oil palm genome in breeding programmes; and o To discuss the potential of markers assisted selection (MAS) to accelerate breeding cycles and improve selection efficiency The Colloquium is suitable for breeders, tissue culturists, biotechnologists, agronomists, plant protectionists, seed producers, policy makers, planters, managers, researchers, academia, consultants, students and those interested in plant breeding and genetics. 7.00 am : Registration 8.30 am : Welcome remarks (President of ISOPB) 8.45 am : Opening remarks (Director of IOPRI) 9.00 am : Oil Palm Genome Sequence and Discovery of the Shell Gene: Application in Oil Palm Breeding (Dr Rajinder Singh, MPOB) 10.00 am : Tea break 10.30 am : Future Direction of OMICS Technology in Improving Oil Palm (Dr N. Billotte, CIRAD) – to be confirmed 11.30 am : Role of Oil Palm Breeder in the Development of Genome Programme (Dr Razak Purba, IOPRI) 12.30 pm : Panel discussion 1.15 pm : Closing remarks 1.30 pm : Lunch IOPRI MODE OF PAYMENT OBJECTIVES WHO SHOULD ATTEND PROGRAMME VENUE ISOPB member US$100 RM330 Non-member US$150 RM500 Note: The organizer reserves the right to make changes without any notice.