Cashier Functions
Cashiers’ Key Ingredients I. Customer Service to students and staff II. Process payments III. Process payment arrangements IV. Process departmental deposits V. Refund students when applicable Help students understand their accounts Bill students Installments/Emergency Loans Department needs FOAPAL Refunds: F/A, Drops, excess payment…
Student Guides Available The Business office distributes the student guide in an effort to explain important student financial issues to students
About the Business Office Student Guide Tuition charges per credit hour Mandatory Fees Course Fees Differential Tuition Per Credit Hour Continuing Education Fees Other Non Refundable Fees Refund Policies Payments Emergency Loan Program Installment Payment Plan Installment Due Dates Third party Contracts and Scholarships Dual Enrollment (Enrolled in two Texas Public Institutions of Higher Education) Returned Checks/Stop Payments Payment Options and Locations Student Guides are updated at the beginning of each semester. The following information can be obtained from them.
DROP BOX: Available at Pecan Campus next to the Cashiers Office. *Note: Non-CASH Payments ONLY Cashier Office Hours A Cashier’s Schedule calendar is distributed on a monthly basis. The calendar provides useful information such as; Date location is open Campus Office Hours of operation Contact Phone Number by campus This serves as a great planning tool, If you would like to receive the monthly cashier schedule, please sign up before leaving.
New !!!!! Web check payments Students can now pay by check on-line Jag Card Students can go online and register to receive their refunds via their Jag Card instead of a
Requesting a Refund Departments requesting a refund for a student must keep the following in mind Departments requesting a refund for a student must keep the following in mind Normal check runs are on Thursdays Normal check runs are on Thursdays A refund request must be submitted by noon Wednesday A refund request must be submitted by noon Wednesday Any requests received after the deadline will be issued until the following week Any requests received after the deadline will be issued until the following week
TSICSRV Customer Service Inquiry The customer service screen can be used to view student account status The customer service screen can be used to view student account status This form is Detail Code driven (alpha-numeric) This form is Detail Code driven (alpha-numeric) Various query methods Various query methods Disbursements Query by R% Disbursements Query by R% The refund Date is when the refund was picked up by the system to be issued the following day. The refund Date is when the refund was picked up by the system to be issued the following day. Query by Term Query by Term Query by Effective Date Query by Effective Date If a credit/balance is reflected on the account refer to cashiers If a credit/balance is reflected on the account refer to cashiers Note; If you need access to this form please sign in the Access Request form before leaving Note; If you need access to this form please sign in the Access Request form before leaving