Sales Concepts and Apps Module 8 Referrals and Networking
“Everyone is connected" Currency today is not money; it's community. Build your personal brand and share it. Engaging people with superb content that will compel them to keep coming back. To shape your online presence, search for blogs and websites that interest you and join their communities. Six Pixels of Separation
Post great material online. Your goal is to create your own niche community Build their trust. Online, "traffic does not equal community." The quality of your connections counts more than the quantity. Don't forget about mobile devices. Six Pixels of Separation
How to Become an Online Brand Readers. News Alerts Social Search Engines Search Engines. Google Trends and Facebook Advertising. Six Pixels of Separation
Know Your Channels Blogs Microblog Podcast Sharing Site User – generated content Wiki Widget Six Pixels of Separation
Establish Your Online Community Text Images Audio Video To earn trust: 1. Be consistent 2. Add value to the conversation 3. Respond quickly and honestly 4. Speak like human being, not a press release. Six Pixels of Separation
Imagine the Possibilities Six Pixels of Separation
Endless Referrals Every person has a "sphere of influence" of 250 people. "All things being equal, people will do business with, and refer business to, those people they know, like, and trust." When you network, make sure the other person enjoys the conversation. Ask "feel-good" questions to encourage people to talk about themselves.
Inquire, "How can I know if someone I'm speaking to is a good prospect for you?“ Prospecting is a numbers game; it takes so many calls to get so many appointments. Not asking for a referral is like "leaving money on the table." Testimonials, or third-party endorsements, carry more weight than self-promotion Endless Referrals
Keep your sales practice healthy by building an "endless" list of referrals. The "Endless Referrals System" is founded on one main principle: "All things being equal, people will do business with, and refer business to those people they know, like and trust" Endless Referrals
Network anywhere and everywhere. Networking is about initiating a conversation with someone, and making sure he or she enjoys the experience. Ask lots of questions and allow the other person to do most of the talking. Endless Referrals
Stranger in the room. Duly noted. Give in order to get. I’ll help you help me. Endless Referrals
Prospecting versus Networking Getting an Appointment. Net-Working. The “Go-to” Guy. Endless Referrals
You have to ask. Testimonials. Attraction Marketing. Endless Referrals
Cold calling Cold calling is dead. Do-not-call lists have killed it. Build your business on the basis of referrals. Wow your clients so they will want to refer you to others. Ask for referrals — but plant the seeds well in advance, and earn before you ask. Customers who complain should be your favorite customers. They tell you what's wrong and give you a chance to fix it. Get More Referrals Now
Make it easy for clients to refer you to others. Don't think like a salesman; think like a partner. Your objective is not to sell products but to solve problems. Relationship is all, everything, the whole ball of wax. Always say 'thank you' and always keep your word. Get More Referrals Now
The Bedrock. Get More Referrals Now
The Bane of the Do-Not-Call List. Four Corner Stones of Building Referrals 1. "Exceed your customers' expectations“ 2. "Form referral alliances“ 3. "Prospect for referrals” 4. "Target niche markets“ Get More Referrals Now
Relationship is All Developing a Referral Mindset People Refer It Think Long Term Solve Problems Be Systematic Keep Your Eyes Open Get More Referrals Now
Demonstrating A Service Attitude Call them regularly Keep providing service Nurture your vendors Be informative Complement your clients Provide extra assistance Get More Referrals Now
Why Client Complaints are Good Apologise Its not personal Do not dispute Offer help Find the facts Fix the problem Follow up Get More Referrals Now
Sowing the Seeds of Referrals Ask for referrals when: The prospect decides to work with you. When you deliver what the client has paid for or has ordered. When you provide follow-up service or call to see that everything is all right. At any time during the life of a good relationship. Get More Referrals Now
Networking Look people in the eye Be careful about interruptions Work with a friend Introduce yourself to the speaker Follow up! Get More Referrals Now
People Non Bingo Referral and Networking Exercise and Debrief Classroom Exercise