Celtic Knots Fun Facts
Where are Celtic Knots? Celtic knots are perhaps the most notorious and recognizable artwork in Celtic history. They started appearing in history after about 450 AD . Celtic knots are found everywhere from designer jewelry to tattoos worn by rock n’ rollers to, of course, the original Book of Kells back in old Dublin. Celtic knots are perhaps the most notorious and recognizable artwork in Celtic history. They started appearing in history after about 450 AD . You will find Celtic knots everywhere from designer jewelry to tattoos worn by rock n’ rollers to, of course, the original Book of Kells back in old Dublin. The knots are incredibly popular with followers of new age religions, magic societies and all sorts of other groups who want to draw an association with the oldest traditions of Ireland.
What do they mean? It’s not clear that Celtic knot drawings were ever meant to symbolize anything. The Celts, simply didn’t create records to help future generations understand their symbols. It’s not clear that Celtic knot drawings were ever meant to symbolize anything. The Celts, who dominated the culture of pre-Christian Ireland, simply didn’t place much importance on creating records to help future generations understand their symbols. However there are many hypotheses regarding the meaning of these symbols
What do they might mean? Some historians think the Celts drew them because they were prohibited from drawing any other pictures which may have given birth to the complex Irish knots. Some historians think the Celts drew them because they were prohibited from drawing any other pictures. One of the more widely accept theories to explain Celtic knot meanings says that Celtic religion, like Islam, may have prohibited realistic depictions of living creatures. This rule, which gave rise to extraordinary Arabic calligraphy, may have given birth to the complex Irish knots.
Endless Knot Ideas The Celtic knot symbol is also referred to as the mystic knot, or the endless knot. There is no beginning or end. Give ideas of circle of life or the tree of life. Sometimes used as charm of sorts – warding against sickness or setbacks that might interfere with an otherwise calm and stable life. In this vein, these knots are used as emblems, which can be found in jewelry, clothing, or home décor. In ancient times, gifts adorned with mystic knots would be given with best wishes of longevity, or luck with new endeavors. The Celtic knot symbol is also referred to as the mystic knot, or the endless knot. The m symbol alludes to beginnings and endings. In viewing these beautiful knots, we cannot see a beginning or an end, and therefore we are reminded of the timeless nature of our spirit. Therefore many feel that the Celtic knot refers to various ideas that have no beginning or end, for example the circle of life or the tree of life. However the concept of a tree of life had no meaning to the Celts. A less spiritual representation is also related to the knots endless nature. Due to its infinite path, the Celtic knot can represent an uninterrupted life cycle. Some may use this symbol as a charm of sorts – warding against sickness or setbacks that might interfere with an otherwise calm and stable life. In this vein, these knots are used as emblems, which can be found in jewelry, clothing, or home décor. In ancient times, gifts adorned with mystic knots would be given with best wishes of longevity, or luck with new endeavors.
Types of Knots There are 4 basic types: Triangular Circular Square Animal Types of Knots Generally, the interlaced, geometric knots fall into four categories: Triangular, Circular, Square and Animal designs.
Triangular The Celtic Trinity Knot is one of the most common. Its Latin meaning is "three-cornered." Therefore people interpret the knot to mean something to do with a three part relationship Christian: Father, Son and Holy Ghost Pagan: Mother, Crone and Maiden. Metaphysical: Mind, Body and Spirit. The Celtic Trinity Knot, or the Triquetra, is one of the most common of the knot ilk. The term Triquetra comes from Latin, and it means "three-cornered." There are many schools of thought when discussing the Celtic trinity knot meaning.All of the various interpretations agree on a culmination of the parts. For example, early Christian understanding views the symbols as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Whereas, a more pagan school of thought sees the trinity knot as the drawing of the three inherent feminine powers: Mother, Crone, and Maiden. Still another understanding can be found in a more metaphysical arena where the three corners represent mind, body and spirit.
Circular Possibly symbols of cycles of life or eternity, but also seen as a sign of unity. The “endless” quality of Celtic knots seems to make lots of people assume they symbolize time without end. Circular Knots: Possibly symbols of cycles of life or eternity, but also seen as a sign of unity. The “endless” quality of Celtic knots seems to make lots of people assume they symbolize time without end, possibly because the look a bit like the familiar horizontal 8 symbol we use the represent eternity.
Squares Known as “shield knots,” and said to offer protection from evil spirits. They were often placed on battle shields or near sick people. Known as “shield knots,” and said to offer protection from evil spirits. They were often placed on battle shields or near sick people.
Animals Sometimes representing men and animals intertwined, believed to represent relationships of men to women, hunters to their prey or others. Animal Interlace: Sometimes representing men and animals intertwined, believed to represent relationships of men to women, hunters to their prey or others.
Repousse' Repousse’ is a method of creating a low-relief design by hammering or pressing the reverse side of a metal surface. Literal meaning in French, "to push back". Repousse’ is a method of creating a low-relief design by hammering or pressing the reverse side of a metal surface. Literal meaning in French, "to push back". Annealed (softened) sheet metal is supported by pitch, sand or sometimes supported by its edges and then worked with a variety of tools that depend on the type of metal and its thickness. Repousse' is done in metals ranging from thin soft copper sheet that can be worked with wooden hand tools up to heavy steel plate worked hot with power tools and machines. Repousse' is used to create gold and silver jewelry, plate armour, decorative architectural panels or can be pieced together to produce sculpture in the round such as the Statue of Liberty.
Chasing Chasing is the same process working from the front of the work often with the same tools. Small tools for creating decorative textures and patterns are also called chasing tools. Chasing is the same process working from the front of the work often with the same tools. Small tools for creating decorative textures and patterns are also called chasing tools.
Embossing Embossing is the combination of Repousse' and Chasing.