Alastair Douglas Steve Bunce
Vital is a professional development programme that will support you in extending your knowledge, skills and confidence so you get more out of ICT in your classroom. Funded by the Department for Education, Delivered by The Open University and e-skills VITAL
Game based learning Primary Endless Ocean Mini Ninjas Professor Layton Game making – Scratch, Kodu
Endless Ocean
Endless Ocean – 3D map
Endless Ocean - storytelling Video here showing pupils describing the relief map island (with images being projected downwards to create effect). Storytelling linked to Wii Endless Ocean game and sealife topic.
Mini Ninjas Video here showing pupils creating introductory video themed by ‘Mini Ninjas’ Nintendo DS game Storytelling linked to game.
Professor Layton and the curious village
Video here showing pupil created introduction to a game based on ‘Professor Layton and the Curious Village’ The pupils did character analysis, talked about the settings, created maths puzzles to solve and a plot and script for a new game.
Good day, sir! Are you Inspector Chemley? We hear the famous Mona Lott painting has been stolen. Is this true?
Game based learning Secondary Languages - Wii French & Spanish Coach Science - Spore Creature Creator Health - Trauma Centre: Second opinion Programming games e.g. FPS Creator, Scratch, Kodu
Spore Creature Creator
Trauma Centre: Second opinion Video here showing pupils using the Trauma Centre game. One pupil used the controls to operate on a patient and the others advised and supported. The game has a narrative. Main point being pupils sharing, engaged and encouraging of each other.
Video here showing pupils skateboarding at school. Point is they are helping, advising and teaching each other. The group of pupils would not normally have much involvement with each other.
Commentary Video here showing online videos of professional skateboarders. Pupils adding commentary. Highlights technical knowledge of skateboarding, but lacking commentator skills to fill the time with words to describe the action. With practice in this style of storytelling linked to skateboarding, we should see improvement.
Skate 3 B0o59aY8
Video here showing pupils creating own skatepark using mini skateboards (Tech decks). Planning, collaborating, describing, using technical language.
Video here showing pupils now creating the skatepark they had planned using the game software.
Working with local graffiti artists, we organised workshops for the school.
Graffiti artist helped pupils analyse graffiti styles and ran a drawing workshop. A student voice theme was decided upon and the pupils planned their work.
Friispray – digital graffiti Wii mote Projector Laptop – pc or Mac Bluetooth Screen for back projection
Friispray – digital graffiti What is it? Setting it up - screenshots Photos of using it
Friispray – digital graffiti What is it? Setting it up - screenshots Photos of using it
Friispray – digital graffiti What is it? Setting it up - screenshots Photos of using it
Playdo – digital graffiti
Digital graffiti Whiteboard free app
Digital graffiti Tablet pc Ipad/iphone Beat Sketcher video
What next? Developing storytelling – going from improved oral skills to writing
Thank you Alastair Douglas Steve
Skateboards, Graffiti and Storytelling Steve Bunce