Introduction to Hinduism “There is only one God, but endless are his aspects and endless are his names”
Hinduism is an ancient religion with no founder or known date of origin. But it can be traced back over 5000 years It is the third largest of the World Religions. There are about one billion Hindus.
The term "Hinduism" is related to the word "India“. It refers to a wide variety of religious traditions and philosophies that have developed in India over thousands of years.
The vast majority of Hindus live in India and Nepal
But there are also Hindus in many other countries including about 500,000 in Britain
Hindu Beliefs Hindus believe in a universal eternal soul called Brahman, who created and is present in everything and everyone.
Hindu Beliefs However, most Hindus will worship one or more of the many - ‘330 million’ - gods and goddesses in Hindu culture.
The Two Most Popular Gods are Vishnu and Shiva VISHNU SHIVA
But many also worship Goddesses like Kali
Hindu Beliefs - Reincarnation and Karma Hindus believe that life is an endless cycle - Samsara - of birth death and rebirth. They believe in Karma - that the actions of a person in this life will determine their status in the next.
Moksha - The Aim of Hinduism The Aim of Hinduism is Moksha - to realize one’s divine nature and reunite with Brahman
One Ocean, Many Names