CS 3240 – Chapter 6
6.1: Simplifying Grammars Substitution Removing useless variables Removing λ Removing unit productions 6.2: Normal Forms Chomsky Normal (CNF) 6.3: A Membership Algorithm CYK Algorithm An example of bottom-up parsing CS Normal Forms for Context-Free Languages2
Variables in CFGs can often be eliminated If they are not recursive, you can substitute their rules throughout See next slide CS Normal Forms for Context-Free Languages3
4 A ➞ a | aaA | abBc B ➞ abbA | b Just substitute directly for B: A ➞ a | aaA | ababbAc | abbc
A variable is useless if: It can’t be reached from the start state, or It never leads to a terminal string ▪ Due to endless recursion Both problems can be detected by a dependency graph See next slide CS Normal Forms for Context-Free Languages5
6 S ➞ aSb | A | λ A ➞ aA A is useless (non-terminating): S ➞ aSb | λ
CS Normal Forms for Context-Free Languages7 S ➞ A A ➞ aA | λ B ➞ bA B is useless (non-reachable): S ➞ A A ➞ aA | λ
CS Normal Forms for Context-Free Languages8 Simplify the following: S ➞ aS | A | C A ➞ a B ➞ aa C ➞ aCb
CS Normal Forms for Context-Free Languages9
10 Simplify the following grammar: S ➞ AB | AC A ➞ aAb | bAa | a B ➞ bbA | aaB | AB C ➞ abCa | aDb D ➞ bD | aC
Any variable that can eventually terminate in the empty string is said to be nullable Note: a variable may be indirectly nullable In general: if A ➞ V 1 V 2 …V n, and all the V i are nullable, then A is also nullable ▪ See Theorem 6.3 CS Normal Forms for Context-Free Languages11
CS Normal Forms for Context-Free Languages12 Consider the following grammar: S ➞ a | Xb | aYa X ➞ Y | λ Y ➞ b | X Which variables are nullable? How can we substitute the effect of λ before removing it?
First find all nullable variables Then substitute (A + λ) for every nullable variable A, and expand Then remove λ everywhere from the grammar What’s left is equivalent to the original grammar except the empty string may be lost we won’t worry about that CS Normal Forms for Context-Free Languages13
CS Normal Forms for Context-Free Languages14 Consider the following grammar (again): S ➞ a | Xb | aYa X ➞ Y | λ Y ➞ b | X How can we substitute the effect of λ before removing it?
S → aSbS | bSaS | λS → aSa | bSb | X X → aYb | bYa Y → aY | bY | λ CS Normal Forms for Context-Free Languages15
Unit Productions often occur in chains A ➞ B ➞ C Must maintain the effect of B and C when substituting for A throughout Procedure: Find all unit chains Rebuild grammar by: ▪ Keeping all non-unit productions ▪ Keeping only the effect of all unit productions/chains CS Normal Forms for Context-Free Languages16
CS Normal Forms for Context-Free Languages17 S ➞ A | bb A ➞ B | b B ➞ S | a Note that S ⇒ * {A,B}, A ⇒ * {B,S}, B ⇒ * {S,A} Giving: S ➞ bb | b | a// Added non-unit part of A and B A ➞ b | a | bb// Added non-unit part of B and S B ➞ a | bb | b// Added non-unit part of S and A
1) Determine all variables reachable by unit rules for each variable 2) Keep all non-unit rules 3) Substitute non-unit rules in place of each variable reachable by unit productions CS Normal Forms for Context-Free Languages18
CS Normal Forms for Context-Free Languages19 S ➞ aA A ➞ BB B ➞ aBb | λ Now remove nulls and see what happens…. (Also see the solution for #15 in 6.1)
CS Normal Forms for Context-Free Languages20 S ➞ AB A ➞ B B ➞ aB | BB | λ
Do things in the following recommended order: Remove nulls Remove unit productions Remove useless variables Simplify by substitution as desired CS Normal Forms for Context-Free Languages21
Very important for our purposes All CNF rules are of one of the following two forms: A ➞ c(a single terminal) A ➞ XY(exactly two variables) Must begin the transformation after simplifying the grammar (removing λ, all unit productions, useless variables, etc.) CS Normal Forms for Context-Free Languages22
CS Normal Forms for Context-Free Languages23 Convert to CNF: S ➞ bA | aB A ➞ bAA | aS | a B ➞ aBB | bS | b (NOTE: already has no nulls or units)
CS Normal Forms for Context-Free Languages24 Convert the following grammar to CNF: S ➞ abAB A ➞ bAB | λ B ➞ BAa | A | λ
CS Normal Forms for Context-Free Languages25 Convert the following grammar to CNF: S ➞ aS | bS | B B ➞ bb | C | λ C ➞ cC | λ
Single terminal character followed by zero or more variables (cV *, c ∈ Σ ) V → a V → aBCD… λ allowed only in S → λ Sometimes need to make up new variable names CS Normal Forms for Context-Free Languages26
CS Normal Forms for Context-Free Languages27 S → AB A → aA | bB | b B → b Substitute for A in first rule (i.e., add B to each rule for A): S → aAB | bBB | bB The other rules are okay
CS Normal Forms for Context-Free Languages28 S → abSb |aa Add rules to generate a and b: S → aBSB |aA A → a B → b
The “parsing” problem How do we know if a string is generated by a given grammar? Bottom-up parsing (CYK Algorithm) An Example of Dynamic Programming Requires Chomsky Normal Form (CNF) Start by considering A ➞ c rules Build up the parse tree from there CS Normal Forms for Context-Free Languages29
CS Normal Forms for Context-Free Languages30 S ➞ XY X ➞ XA | a | b Y ➞ AY | a A ➞ a Does this grammar generate “baaa”?
CS Normal Forms for Context-Free Languages31 CNF yields binary trees. (Can you find a third parse tree?)
CS Normal Forms for Context-Free Languages32 S ➞ XY X ➞ XA | a | b Y ➞ AY | a A ➞ a Stage 1: b ⇐ X a ⇐ X, Y, A Stage 2: ba ⇐ X(X,Y,A) = XX, XY, XA ⇐ S, X aa ⇐ (X,Y,A)(X,Y,A) = XX, XY, XA, YX, YY, YA, AX, AY, AA ⇐ S, X, Y Stage 3: baa ⇐ ba a ⇐ (S,X)(X,Y,A) = SX, SY, SA, XX, XY, XA = S, X baa ⇐ b aa ⇐ X(S,X,Y) = XS, XX, XY = S aaa ⇐ aa a ⇐ (S,X,Y)(X,Y,A) = _________ aaa ⇐ a aa ⇐ (X,Y,A)(S,X,Y) = _________ Stage 4: (you finish…) baaa: b aaa ⇐ __________
CS Normal Forms for Context-Free Languages33
CS Normal Forms for Context-Free Languages34
CS Normal Forms for Context-Free Languages35
CS Normal Forms for Context-Free Languages36
CS Normal Forms for Context-Free Languages37 Does the following grammar generate “abbaab”? S ➞ SAB | λ A ➞ aA | λ B ➞ bB | λ