1. Since the love of God has shed priceless blessings on my head, I have made it my own; I will hide.


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求主使我靠十架 在彼有生命水 宝血由十架流下 白白赐人洗罪
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Presentation transcript:

1. Since the love of God has shed priceless blessings on my head, I have made it my own; I will hide it in my I have made it my own,

heart, that it nev - er may de-part, It shall rule there a - heart, that it nev - er may de-part, It shall rule there a - It shall rule lone. The love of God with - in the there a - lone. The love of God

heart Will kind-li-ness and warmth im - heart Will kind-li-ness and warmth im - with - in the heart, will kind - li - ness part, The soul will glow like Jesus in His tender mercy and warmth impart,

If the heart is made His dwell - ing place: The love of If the heart is made His dwell - ing place: The love of His dwell - ing place: God glows like a flame Thru endless The love of God glows like a flame,

years it is the same the love of Thru end - less years it is the same, God will nev-er fail nor lose its glo-ry Till we see Him face to face.

2. Since the Son of God came down with His love our lives to crown He with us would re - main; Great - er love there could not He with us would remain;

be, Je - sus died for you and me, In our hearts, He would be, Je - sus died for you and me, In our hearts, He would In our hearts reign. The love of God with - in the He would reign. The love of God

heart Will kind-li-ness and warmth im - heart Will kind-li-ness and warmth im - with - in the heart, will kind - li - ness part, The soul will glow like Jesus in His tender mercy and warmth impart,

If the heart is made His dwell - ing place: The love of If the heart is made His dwell - ing place: The love of His dwell - ing place: God glows like a flame Thru endless The love of God glows like a flame,

years it is the same the love of Thru end - less years it is the same, God will nev-er fail nor lose its glo-ry Till we see Him face to face.

shown us the road; We His glo - ry must re - He has shown us the road, 3. While His love burns true and bright we are walking in the light He has shown us the road; We His glo - ry must re - He has shown us the road,

flect, lest our dimness and neglect keep some soul from its flect, lest our dimness and neglect keep some soul from its Keep some soul God. The love of God with - in the from its God. The love of God

heart Will kind-li-ness and warmth im - heart Will kind-li-ness and warmth im - with - in the heart, will kind - li - ness part, The soul will glow like Jesus in His tender mercy and warmth impart,

If the heart is made His dwell - ing place: The love of If the heart is made His dwell - ing place: The love of His dwell - ing place: God glows like a flame Thru endless The love of God glows like a flame,

years it is the same the love of Thru end - less years it is the same, God will nev-er fail nor lose its glo-ry Till we see Him face to face.