What does it mean? Phil Goodwin Emeritus Professor of Transport Policy UCL and UWE
Sustainable Mobility There is no universally agreed definition – even the authors in the book use rather different definitions. But these differences are not an obstacle to agreement on vital, radical, and achievable policies 11 October 20123© 2012 KEEP MOVING, TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY
“Sustainable” 11 October 2012© 2012 KEEP MOVING, TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY4
Sustainability - a simple concept which grew into a complicated one Geographically sustainable Everything? Equity – distributional sustainability Financial sustainability Social sustainability Political Sustainability Economically sustainable Environmentally sustainable 11 October 20125
“Mobility” Endless growth in movement is not sustainable – due to real congestion, environmental, health and social costs 11 October 2012© 2012 KEEP MOVING, TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY6
No feasible road construction can support unlimited traffic growth – manage demand Pedestrianisation, traffic calming, TRAFFIC ContrOL, Reallocation of road capacity, Public transport, walking, cycling, Land use planning, Prices which reflect full costs including congestion and environmental damage, and ‘soft’ measures – travel plans, information, mobile computing... access to opportunities, goods and services is a better measure of benefit than kilometres moved 11 October 20127© 2012 KEEP MOVING, TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY
Convergence and consensus These transport policies - the most efficient - are also those which give the best quality of life, best value for money, and most sustainable futures… This conclusion is robust to differences of definition and method 11 October 20128© 2012 KEEP MOVING, TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY
Has it been successful so far? There is a real problem of the consistency, persistence, seriousness and scale of implementation so far – often half- hearted and under-financed, and the relics of old ideas still have a hold on many. But something important is happening. Traffic growth has slowed, and in some places reversed, in almost all advanced economies 11 October 20129© 2012 KEEP MOVING, TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY
“Peak Car”? 11 October © 2012 KEEP MOVING, TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY Trends in Car and Van Use,
Many reasons for ‘peak car’ ‘Economic’ factors of prices and incomes. Quality and reliability of travel Land use planning New social and cultural changes Renaissance of ‘city’ and ‘local’ Mobile internet access (from ‘the love affair with the car’ to ‘the love affair with my phone) 11 October © 2012 KEEP MOVING, TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY
A temporary phenomenon due to economic stress? The areas which have reduced car use most are not the impoverished or troubled ones – they are the rich, growing, economically successful cities with improving quality of life, like London, Paris, Munich, Strasbourg, Freiburg… 11 October © 2012 KEEP MOVING, TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY T#EeacRli l‘Group ‘EEAC-RLI Conference 2012 on sustainable mobility’ 11 October