The 11 th grade AP classroom Or, “What have I gotten myself into?”
Rhetoric and Composition First semester of first year of English in college Focus is on writing The purpose is to prepare the student for all future university level courses Second semester in college is literature And easier, generally speaking
Composition There are different forms of writing Persuasion Expository Narrative Descriptive and when you add in purpose and audience, the combinations are endless You’ll probably feel like the writing in this class is endless
Rhetoric “Art of oratory” The art of speaking or writing well The study of the rules of composition Communication as a means of persuasion There is a negative connotation that rhetoric is empty, useless, although pretty sounding, speech
Persuasion “to advise thoroughly” To move a person’s beliefs from one position to another, or the attempt thereof Can happen through speech, writing, or action The negative connotation here is that some people consider persuasion as simply one person pushing his beliefs onto another
Argumentation Discourse intended to persuade A coherent series of statements leading from a premise to a conclusion A reason given in proof or rebuttal The negative connotation here should be easy – argumentation is fighting or quarrelling
Why am I teaching negativity? Rhetoric, argumentation, and persuasion are not negative ideas and should not be stereotypically rebuked as such. You’ll learn that these are simply terms in normal, healthy, productive speech and writing
btw… Do you know the difference between these: Denotation Connotation
Works Cited Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary Merriam-Webster Online. 21 August 2008 < /dictionary>