skills, endless possibilities Leadership Forum 30 July 2014 David Riordan – Institute Director.


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Presentation transcript: skills, endless possibilities Leadership Forum 30 July 2014 David Riordan – Institute Director skills, endless possibilities

Statement of Owner Expectations >Launched by the Minister for Education, the Hon Adrian Piccoli MP, in August 2013 >Framed by NSW 2021: A plan to make NSW number one and >the NSW Smart and Skilled VET policy reforms. skills, endless possibilities Statement of Owner Expectations >TAFE NSW >will be funded as the public VET provider by the NSW Government, with transparent accountability and reporting arrangements. >is to achieve its role and accountabilities with public and other income sources such as >fee for service activity >business partnerships, and >education exports. skills, endless possibilities Statement of Owner Expectations The NSW Government’s expectations of TAFE NSW: >a state-wide service >offer a broad choice of courses >provide inclusive services >deliver skills critical to the NSW economy >lead quality, innovation and customer focus in service delivery >operate as a sustainable business >an employer of choice. skills, endless possibilities Statement of Owner Expectations >TAFE NSW is to undertake and be accountable for implementation of governance and business reform priorities: >Greater Institute autonomy >Increased financial transparency and accountability >Effective asset management and service provision. skills, endless possibilities Statement of Owner Expectations >TAFE NSW’s budget will comprise three funding types: >Contestable (via Smart and Skilled reforms) >Direct funding (operational base funding, funding for community service obligations and for directly purchased services) >Commercial revenues. skills, endless possibilities Sustainable Business Enrolment Update Source: THSR 28 April 2014 skills, endless possibilities Source: TAFE Strategy and Finance - TAFE Business Analytics and Accountability, April 2014 Sustainable Business Sydney TAFE: % enrolments by qualification level (all funds) skills, endless possibilities Sustainable Business Enrolments and completions Source: THSR 29 April 2014 skills, endless possibilities Sustainable Business Product Diversification (2013 final) skills, endless possibilities Challenges Smart & Skilled Scenario 22% of enrolments are vulnerable skills, endless possibilities Challenges Faculty breakdown of vulnerable enrolments skills, endless possibilities Faculty enrolments vs Targets Faculty 2014 enrolment Target 2014 Enrol 2014 Enrol vs Target 2014 Enrol as % of Targets BET 9,240 6,150-3,09067% B&F 11,911 6,259-5,65253% CS&H 7,751 5,039-2,71265% CREATIT 8,385 6,210-2,17574% MEE 7,361 4,724-2,63764% THS&S 7,870 5,002-2,86864% W&SP 17,621 10,763-6,85861% Unsp Institute Total 70,139 44,596-25,54364% Data source: Data warehouse 14 July 2014 Strategic Planning and Performance unit skills, endless possibilities Faculty enrolment targets - Core and non core Faculty 2014 Core enrolment Target 2014 Core Enrol 2014 Enrol vs Target 2014 Enrol as % of Targets 2014 Non- Core enrolment Target 2014 Non - Core Enrol 2014 Enrol vs Target 2014 Enrol as % of Targets All Enrolments BET 6,550 4,961-1,58976% 2,6901,189-1,50144%6,150 B&F 7,001 4,012-2,98957% 4,9102,247-2,66346%6,259 CS&H 5,497 3,565-1,93265% 2,2541, %5,039 CREATIT 5,656 4,247-1,40975% 2,7291, %6,210 MEE 4,941 3,142-1,79964% 2,4201, %4,724 THS&S 4,243 3,011-1,23271% 3,6271,991-1,63655%5,002 W&SP 14,499 8,776-5,72361% 3,1221,987-1,13564%10,763 Unsp Institute Total 48,387 31,994-16,39366% 21,75212,602-9,15058%44,596 Data source: Data warehouse 14 July 2014 Strategic Planning and Performance unit skills, endless possibilities Faculty enrolment targets - All Completions Faculty 2014 enrolment Target 2014 Enrol 2014 Enrol vs Target 2014 Enrol as % of Targets BET 3, ,30828% B&F 6,326 1,929-4,39730% CS&H 3, ,68327% CREATIT 3,685 1,342-2,34336% MEE 1, ,39127% THS&S 3,396 1,092-2,30432% W&SP 6,785 2,434-4,35136% Unsp Institute Total 28,999 9,835-19,16434% Data source: Data warehouse 14 July 2014 Strategic Planning and Performance unit skills, endless possibilities Faculty Enrolments YTD comparison 2013/2014 YTD comparison% variation YTD Faculty2013 core 2013 non core 2013 total2014 core 2014 non core 2014 totalcore diff non core diff total diff2014 core 2014 non core 2014 total BET4,4911,2325,7234,9611,1896, %-3.5%7.5% B&F4,3042,6776,9814,0122,2476, %-16.1%-10.3% CS&H3,4861,5295,0153,5651,4745, %-3.6%0.5% CREATIT3,9961,6295,6254,2471,9636, %20.5%10.4% MEE3,4661,4594,9253,1421,5824, %8.4%-4.1% THS&S2,7881,8854,6733,0111,9915, %5.6%7.0% W&SP9,5041,55811,0628,7761,98710, %27.5%-2.7% Unsp %15.0%23.0% Grand Total32,25312,11644,36931,99412,60244, %4.0%0.5% Data source: Data warehouse 14 July 2014 Strategic Planning and Performance unit skills, endless possibilities Sydney Institute enrolments by fund group Data source: Data warehouse 14 July 2014 Strategic Planning and Performance unit skills, endless possibilities Faculty enrolments by fund group Data source: Data warehouse 14 July 2014 skills, endless possibilities Faculty enrolments by fund group – Fee for service Non Core Data source: Data warehouse 14 July 2014 Strategic Planning and Performance unit FundB&FBETCreatITCS&HMEETHS&SW&SPUnsp Institute Total By fund 001 RECURRENT PAYMENTS (CORE) 3,912 4,572 3,965 2,916 3,108 2,820 7, , OUTREACH TASTE OF TAFE DIP OF CHILD STUDIES WAIVER DISABILITIES PARTICIPATION PHASE INITIATIVE TVH POLICY EXEMPTION - TEMP VISA HOLDER SCHOOL BASED APPRENTICES ABORIGINAL EDUCATION-STATE BVET EMERGING PRIORITIES-APPRENTICES TVH INST DIR EXT CIRC -TEMP VISA HOLDER JUVENILE JUSTICE CENTRES A INSTITUTE DISCRETION A BVET EMERGING PRIORITIES-ENROLLED NURSES Institute Total By fund 4,010 4,961 4,247 3,565 3,142 3,011 8, ,992 skills, endless possibilities Faculty enrolments by fund group – Government funded Core Data source: Data warehouse 14 July 2014 Fund B&FBETCreatITCS&HMEETHS&SW&SPUnsp Institute Total By fund 8411 TAFEPLUS , , , , VET FEE-HELP HIGER EDUCATION FEE FOR HELP HIGHER EDUCATION - TAFE NSW EXISTING WORKERS TRAINEESH TVH MEVI CALCULATED TRADE READINESS MINISTERIAL GRANT PROGRAM APPRENTICES-OTHER STATES-QLD TAFE PLUS COMMERCIAL RECOGNITION NEW ENTRANT TRAINEES-OTHER STATES-TAS APPRENTICES-OTHER STATES-TAS EXISTING WORKER TRAINEES-OTHER STATES-QLD SEEK LEARNING NEW ENTRANT TRAINEE - FEE FOR SERVICE APPRENTICES-OTHER STATES-ACT Institute Total By fund 1, , , , ,891 skills, endless possibilities

VET Provider Analysis – Vocation Ltd One of the largest national private VET training providers in Australia. Formed through the merger of AVANA Group, BAWM Pty and Customer Service Institute of Australia (CSIA) in Seeks to replicate the success of their business model in Victoria in other states and territories as they transition to a demand driven funding model. skills, endless possibilities VET Provider Analysis – Vocation Ltd Recently listed on the Australian Securities Exchange. experienced significant growth through their ability to attract Victorian Government funding. Made a number of provider acquisitions, some of which have gained footholds in the higher education and international student markets. Invested in online technology to maximise returns. Well positioned to attract government funding and VET Fee Help under Smart & Skilled. skills, endless possibilities VET Provider Analysis – Vocation Ltd skills, endless possibilities VET Provider Analysis – Vocation Ltd skills, endless possibilities VET Provider Analysis – Vocation Ltd skills, endless possibilities VET Provider Analysis – Vocation Ltd skills, endless possibilities