Imagine your department where ALL employees are utilizing their strengths 80% of their work day!!
How do you help your employees grow professionally? How do you determine the best use of their skills? Do you ask them, “How do you like your job?” Does your department evaluate employee satisfaction?
Accidental Purposeful Observation Meeting needs of department Undesirable tasks No questions—”do as your told” Mundane It’s always been done this way. Surveys Interview Staff shadowing Strength Finders Designed with a purpose Mapping a work plan
Less stress in workplace Efficiency Creativity Productivity Less absenteeism More Fun Develop leaders Endless possibilities
Vision from top leadership Meetings with managers How to get “buy in” Departmental discussions Time for questions How to begin?
Everyone read Strength Finders 2.0 Everyone completed questionnaire Mangers created a plan Kick off meeting
Video series monthly Team meetings by department Individual meetings Performance Plans Open to possibilities
Additional Marcus Buckingham books Individuals created their own applications › Team projects › Staff development › Use matrix Endless opportunities