American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Perinatal Pediatrics Trainee and Early Career Neonatologists Group
Made for us by us The goal of these presentations is to make all the neonatal-perinatal medicine fellows aware of the resources available Generate enthusiasm and participation from fellows Regularly scheduled presentations to disseminate information and collect feedback
Social Media RESOURCES
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AAP Perinatal Facebook group Open to all AAP Perinatal Section members and neonatal-perinatal trainees currently in fellowship Recently reformatted- Request membership (closed group)
AAP Perinatal Trainees Facebook group Open to all neonatal- perinatal trainees currently in fellowship Request membership (closed group)
AAP Perinatal Facebook page Public fan page of the Section- Just “like "it!
Linked In: Open to all Neonatologists *Request membership (closed group)
Perinatal Section tweets
TECaN tweets
NICU Chat tweet community
AAP NICU Families tweets
Endless Possibilities Keep up Spread your news Connect and collaborate Ask the group Share information Gather information Follow live conference tweets
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