Securing Good
Session 3 Building Capacity –Leadership at all levels –Monitoring and Evaluation –Processes and systems –Asking the right questions –Governance –Subject Leadership –Making the most of your data
Latest News Dictates to Lead Inspectors The 2012/13 annual Ofsted Report Licensed Teachers Recent Inspections: –The EYFS confusion – Typicality – Teaching Strategies –Implications of phonics outcomes – Get out of Jail Cards –Middle leaders
Lessons From Inspection Processes and Systems –The 80 page SEF –The 120 page School Development Plan – 25 monitoring files –Endless forms full of notes –Everyone is working hard and clearly very busy but..... –Trouble seeing the wood from the trees –The importance of lesson observation records HTs hold too much information and don’t share it with those who need it.
Building Capacity Leadership at all levels Governance Senior leadership Middle Leadership Everyone Else: –Class teachers – Teaching Assistants –Administration Attendance Safeguarding Health and Safety What is actually tested in inspection?
The Governing Body How to they provide challenge? What is the challenge based on? –An understanding of the data –First hand monitoring –Training –Information provided by the headteacher including HTPM/TPM What types of challenge are provided? What monitoring do they do? Are they proactive? How is challenge recorded and tracked in minutes? How can you demonstrates the impact of the governing body? How do you use governors to support the development of other leaders?
The Monitoring Process Ask a question Design an activity to answer the question Complete the activity Do something with the information Monitor the impact of your actions And repeat until you have got what you want
Keeping Records Essential: Records of monitoring of teaching (over time) –Books, data, observation, self evaluations, pupil views Links with Performance Management What has happened following monitoring Desirable: Senior Leaders, Middle Leaders and Governors can evidence the impact of their work with secure evidence from monitoring. NB: This if for you not Ofsted
Monitoring Plans – What? So What? Now What? Is there a single plan for all staff? Is the plan linked to the school development plan? Does the outcomes of monitoring activities provided you with evidence of impact against actions in the school development plan? Does monitoring tell you anything new? Do all leaders contribute towards evaluating progress against whole school priorities? Does monitoring result in a review of actions and priorities? Does anything change as a result?
Monitoring – Question Based Approach The use of closed questions to evaluate improvements in any area is completed. Making this approach very public often ensures successful outcomes. Repetition of key questions overtime is used to embed an approach. Feedback from monitoring is regular and close to the monitoring activity. Differentiated follow up is completed where expectations are not met.
Monitoring the Quality of Teaching Describe your system for monitoring the quality of teaching? Who is involved? How is it linked to performance management? How does it feed into broader evaluation of other aspects of a school’s work?
Monitoring the Quality of Teaching Judgements Over Time –Books, data and observations (formal and drop in) What happens when a teacher underperforms? Do you differentiate support following monitoring? How do you share effective practice? Is there a process for monitoring the effectiveness of TAs? What is the quality of teaching for staff other than teachers? Sports, Music?
Quick Monitoring Activities Walking with a purpose This could include a weekly focus that is advertised to all staff and possibly the children. The focus may be announced in assembly. It could relate to a wide range of activities such as: –Response to marking –Manners –Use of TAs –Quality of presentation –Pupil engagement –Use of Working Walls –Resources to support independent learning
Quick Monitoring Activities Pupil Discussions The Book Look Discussion with Teachers Planning Focus for the week The Classroom Environment TA engagement with pupils Behaviour Outside of Lessons
Middle/Senior Leaders Is everything joined up? E.G. If writing is the issue, are all staff contributing? Are activities high value? Are they focusing on improving outcomes or topping up resources? Can leaders prove that they have made an impact? What about UPS staff? How are they impacting on the whole school? How are leaders improving the practice of staff?
Data Can you have too much of a good thing?
Making the most of your data The EYFS – Is the EYFS data used by subject leaders to inform decisions about priorities? Do all key leaders have a clear understanding of whole school headlines from RAISEonline and internal data? How is data or assessment used by: –Class teachers to inform planning –Subject leaders to identify priorities –All leaders to evaluate impact –Class teachers and line managers to Identify children who need additional support –The SENCO/INCO for identification of need and evaluation of impact.
Diagnostics Diagnostic work can be completed by class teachers, support staff of leaders. Diagnostic analysis could be used in pupil progress meetings. Do your pupil progress meetings: –Identify specific gaps in a child’s learning so that they can be addressed in the classroom and though targeted intervention? –Utilise the expertise within the school to identify why children are stuck and how there needs can be met? –Include discussions about pupils who have the potential to make better than expected progress in all years groups?
Making the Most of Governors To build leadership skills: –Interview subject leader –Complete Joint Monitoring To Build Capacity –Completion of monitoring activities such as: Pupil interviews Surveys of different groups Health and Safety Monitoring SMSC monitoring
Questions And Next Time: Session 4 – 17 th March 2014 – 1.30pm to 4.30pm Quality of Teaching: Lesson Observation Skills using videos. When is the difference between good and outstanding. Learning behaviours. The importance of good and outstanding teaching over time. What the books tell you. How to improve teaching How to improve a hard to shift teacher