Buddhism By: Eric, Karen, Vrishti, Zoe and Kevin
Beginnings By: Vrishti
Where It started in northern India
When At about the 6 th century
Who The people started calling a prince the Buddha
What/Why? The king kept the prince in the castle and wouldn’t let him out so he wouldn’t have to experience the pain from the people outside the castle. One day he snuck out and saw the people suffering. Since then, Buddhism became a peaceful religion. There were 4 sights they saw
The 4 Sights First, a dead man Second, a sick man Third, a old man Fourth, a happy man
Festival and Holidays By: Vristhi
Visakha Celebrated in Thailand: People bring candles and flowers and then they dance around a shrine tree 3 times
Wesak Celebrated by Therevada Buddhists: They celebrate the Birth, Enlightenment and Death of Buddha
Life and Death By: Kevin
Endless Cycle Life is a endless cycle of Birth-Life-Death-Rebirth It depends on the Karma you make during your last life of what you are going to be when you rebirth
Common Symbols By: Kevin
Buddha Symbol
Endless Knot
Supreme Being By: Zoe
4 Noble Truths Suffering Exists There is a reason for suffering There is a way to end suffering End suffering from the eightfold path
Eightfold Paths Right view Right thought Right speech Right action Right livelihood Right effort Right mindfulness Right concentration
Spread By: Karen
Network Engaged Established in 1989
Countries China, Mongolia, Tibet, Japan, Korean Peninsula, Sri Lanka
Basic and Core Beliefs By: Karen
Beliefs Buddhists take refuge-seek comfort, guidance and security
Dharma Cycle of Birth-Life-Death-Rebirth
The End Thanks for Watching