WholeLife* Transformational Breakthrough Program Instructed by Deborah Skye King, Founder of StarPower* System™ For Female Entrepreneurs & President of Soul Therapy International “WholeLife*” A Blueprint To Transforming Your Relationship To The World!
WholeLife* Transformational Breakthrough System™ WholeLife* Program™ StarPower* System™ | WholeLife* Program |©2011Copyright It’s Decision Time!
WholeLife*Breakthrough WholeLife* Program™ StarPower* System™ | WholeLife* Program |©2011Copyright It shocks me at times, to hear people say exactly what they want, then do the opposite or not do anything at all. Is it because they are lazy? Is it because they have a belief that they will not succeed so why try in the first place? Why is that you are not doing exactly what you know you should or could be doing but are not attempting? Here is quote that sits across from me in my office: “ Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back — concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth that ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now. “ ~ Goethe
WholeLife* Breakthrough WholeLife* Program™ StarPower* System™ | WholeLife* Program |©2011Copyright Take out your pen and paper and write out one thing that you have wanted to commit to for ages, months, maybe years. Write it out and ask yourself, why am I afraid to accomplish this today? What is standing in my way? I’d love for you to write that out also, your fears and trepidations that are holding or have held you back. Is it your father, mother, sister, little brother or school teacher? Who was it and at what point in your life did you stop believing in yourself to accomplish what you set out to do?
WholeLife* Program™ StarPower* System™ | WholeLife* Program |©2011Copyright When I have asked someone to think of what they ultimately would love to do, the first thing that shows up for them why they cannot do it is usually monetary. They stop their dreams from even beginning to take shape due to their current circumstances, but I will share with you tonight, that who you are, how you think, what you feel and how you behave are not who, what or how you are becoming in the next 2-6 months. If you would stay the same, you would ultimately die due to the level of inertia that exists within you and stagnation in your organs. You did not join the WholeLife* Program to stay stuck, you joined to move beyond your wildest dreams to manifest a reality that you personally could not do imagine or create alone. You decided to say YES! and go from there, knowing there is a transformational shift upon the horizon and you wanted to be held accountable to arrive on time where you predetermined you’d be.
WholeLife* Breakthrough WholeLife* Program™ StarPower* System™ | WholeLife* Program |©2011Copyright Tonight, you are going to understand something about reality, money, frequency, intention and a decision that will change your entire life, IF you listen and do what is spoken of. It is a very simple concept, yet, unknown to many the ability to choose in one’s life determines your entire fabric of creation. This is one of the beauties we have chosen prior to birthing here, choice of making decisions based on our acquired and desired outcomes. Most do it unconsciously, I prefer to do it consciously. Here are the steps to decide your reality.
WholeLife* Breakthrough WholeLife* Program™ StarPower* System™ | WholeLife* Program |©2011Copyright 1.What are your needs per month? What are your current needs, the simplest and most basic needs. A home, food, clothing, education, health and transportation. Tally up all your current expenses to see what you need to live daily. This is today’s reality. * Now, how do you desire to live? How much more or less do you need to live in the state that you truly desire to be living in, the next 6-12 months? Does your lifestyle expenses go higher or lower? Please map this out for yourself as it’s quite important as we go along. 2. If you have increased your financial obligations where does the money come from? If you have decreased expenses, then you can use the extra for investments. This can be future education, vacations, 2 nd home, etc.
WholeLife* Breakthrough WholeLife* Program™ StarPower* System™ | WholeLife* Program |©2011Copyright 3. Focus on a material object that you desire to attain. Let’s use as an example, the house by the ocean you see in this image. The asking price is 1.5 million dollars. If I really wanted this house for future VIP days or Sacred Spiritual Leadership Programs, then I would be focusing on the larger context of why I would desire this, not only for me, but for others also and their well being. This affords me a double incentive to strive for the creation of this property and home as it fulfills a bigger core value of my own and allows me to serve in my Soul’s purpose also. Once you have the image in mind, figure out how much it is and then post that amount in clear sight of your vision daily.
WholeLife* Breakthrough WholeLife* Program™ StarPower* System™ | WholeLife* Program |©2011Copyright Deciding On Creating Your Reality 100% Example: I have decided to purchase this house, I will give myself a timeline, a desired intention of when I would have the down payment, or the exact amount needed to go forward to secure the purchase. It does not mean that I currently have the money or the means to acquire it in the moment, there is the decision that propels me forward and that aligns me to the commitment of follow through on what I desire. When I remain pure to the decision, doing everything in my will to complete the reality in which I desire to create, no matter what it is, I alter my perception of what is available to me at any given time. Here is the key, all I had to do was decide on wanting to move this house into my present reality. I did not look at the house and claim I could not afford it, my question was, how can I afford it? When do I want to acquire it and how much is it? This can be replaced with having a child, a relationship, retiring, building a brand new home, taking a vacation, the list is endless.
WholeLife* Breakthrough WholeLife* Program™ StarPower* System™ | WholeLife* Program |©2011 Copyright Conscious Creation: your Dream When you predetermine your future based on your current reality, you will never accomplish what you are trying to claim. Who you are today is not who you are tomorrow, or in 5 years or 5 months. When you reach out to the future and choose today what it is that you want, you will achieve it, with dedication, determination, comittment and most of all, firstly by deciding to say YES! to what it is that you want. You have choice and you were born to exercise that choice. Each waking moment you have the ability to move reality to your needs and desires, especially when you are living your Soul’s Purpose, it becomes effortless. This month, I am asking you to claim 1 thing that you want. Write it out, place it in your awareness and give yourself a timeline-a space of beginning and end to know that you have arrived. Make sure you are stretching yourself, challenging yourself in a good way to expand and grow and to alter your limiting beliefs of why you have stopped yourself from moving into your conscious dream and creating your reality 100%
WholeLife* Breakthrough WholeLife* Program™ StarPower* System™ | WholeLife* Program |©2011Copyright If you want to create your own business, decide to do just that. If you want a new home, decide on when and where. If you are wanting a higher income decide on how much more, and then focus on when are you going to receive it. This means that you are making a commitment by deciding you will no longer exist by the rules given to you by society, but that you are creating your own diagram based on your future vision and asking the Universe to collaborate with you in creating your desires. It is a simple thing, decide. Most people don’t, won’t or never will. It is the key to determining your future success and accomplishments, based on your own terms.
WholeLife* Breakthrough Discovering Your Soul’s Purpose Deborah Skye King President & Founder of Soul Therapy International, Recognized as the Leading Authority of Soul Therapy Globally and North Americas #1 Soul Therapist, Deborah Skye King is an Author of Discovering & Living Your Soul’s Purpose and Awakening To Your Divine Self. She leads yearly Soul Transformational Journeys to the Maya Lands and offers StarPower* System Programs for Female Entrepreneurs. She is the Director of The International Association of Professional Past Life Regression Therapy & Training Institute along with being the President of The StarPower* System and Creator of The Divine Energy Matrix Connection Technique. WholeLifeBreakthrough.com | © 2011 Soul Therapy International | Deborah Skye King