Www.ks1resources.co.uk 1485-1603 The Tudors 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 1000 - 1450 AD The Middle Ages Now The Future The centuries before the Tudors.


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Presentation transcript:

The Tudors AD The Middle Ages Now The Future The centuries before the Tudors are called medieval times, or The Middle Ages. Most medieval people rarely travelled far from home and knew very little about the outside world. No-one could go faster than a horse or a sailing ship and what roads there were, were poor and dangerous. A century is one hundred years. SAMPLE SLIDE Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show

The first picture shows Admiral Zheng He onboard his ship. No one really knows exactly what he looked like but this is what one artist thought he may have looked like. The second picture shows why he travelled so far. What does the picture tell you? SAMPLE SLIDE Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show

Prince Henry owned a globe when many people still believed the world was flat and he knew that Africa must be more than just sand. At the time, people in Europe believed that Africa was just an endless land full of sand. Why do you think that was? What was the ‘sand’ they talked about? The 15 th Century The Tudors SAMPLE SLIDE Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show

From the end of the 1400s, European explorers set out to find new sea routes and along the way they discovered new places. Why did they want to find new sea routes? What were they interested in? What were they hoping to find? Can you guess or do you know? SAMPLE SLIDE Random Slides From This PowerPoint Show

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