Alzheimer’s & Resveratrol Katharine Frost
Need 26 million people worldwide have Alzheimer’s. 1 in 10 people over 65 have Alzheimer’s 40% of people over 80 have Alzheimer’s
Fundamentals Most common form of dementia (Segal and Wayne, 2009) Caused by accumulation of Ab peptide and neurofibrary tangles in brain (Segal and Wayne, 2009)
Model Organisms & Types of Alzheimer’s Drosophila make good model organism for studying Alzheimer’s (Korschun, 2006) 2 types of Alzheimer’s disease, hereditary and non hereditary (Korschun, 2006) APOE4 gene causes non hereditary Alzheimer’s (Korschun, 2006)
Non hereditary Alzheimer’s Non hereditary Alzheimer’s may be caused by oxidative stress (Korschun, 2006) Possible treatments for non hereditary Alzhiemer’s are high doses of anti oxidants (Cummings, 2009)
Resveratrol Found in grapes an red wine (Cummings, 2009) Studies show that it reduced & prevented the buildups of amyloid plaques (Patton, 2005) Possible treatment for Non hereditary Alzheimer’s; helps balance out oxidative stress (Patton, 2005)
Literature Review Philippe Marambaud (2008) found that Resveratrol as found in gapes, helps to prevent oxidative stress and therefore prevent the development and appearance of symptoms in non hereditary Alzheimer’s
Literature Review Srinivasan (2006) determined that melatonin may also have potential to be a treatment as it increases the survival of neurons under oxidative stress