By Mark Twain
Fact Information that can be proved. Example: Toy Story 3 was the highest grossing movie of the series making over 400 million dollars in all. A person’s judgment or belief. Look for clues that indictate an opinion I believe, In my opinion, Words such as wonderful, terrible, always, nobody, worst and all Example, I believe Toy Story 3 was the best because I loved the ending. Opinion
The mountains of San Francisco are very beautiful and romantic. Average temperatures in Sacramento in December are in the fifties. The man standing on the street corner seemed to be lonely an confused.
Author’s Perspective: the viewpoint from which he or she writes. The perspective is based on the author’s beliefs and background. Reveals his or her own feelings about the work.
Understanding; compassion Sarah was filled with sympathy for Mary after finding out her dog died.
Driving force After watching the runners Mary felt a compulsion to run the marathon next year.
Purposefully; earnestly In order to get an A Greg worked intently on his homework.
Filled with feeling of fear and wonder The tourists were awed when looking at the Eifel Tower.
Making great efforts or struggling; being in great pain We were agonizing over the final losing score of the Steelers game.
Passed down from generation to generation We learned about hereditary diseases in science class.
wordsentencepicture sympathyI had great sympathy for Sarah when she got a bad grade on her test. compulsion intently awed agonizing hereditary
A pronoun takes the place of a noun. Possessive personal pronouns show ownership.
Possessive Pronouns Used Before Nouns Possessive Pronouns Used By Themselves mymine youryours ourours theirtheirs her, hishers, his its