SrI: SrI SrInivAsa PerumAl Temple Tirumala - Tirupati VaikuNTha ekAdaSi prasAda darSanam 7th January 2009
SrI: Moksha EkAdaSi or VaikuNTha EkAdaSi (MArghazhi Sukla Paksha EkAdaSi) is a very special EkAdaSi linked to Moksham. Any one, who follows the Lord through the Parama Padha Vaasal is sure to attain Moksham. The detailed explanations on the VaikuNTha EkAdaSi celebrations at the SrIrangam divya kshetram has been covered in the eBook # 48 at: On January 7th 2009 the most holy VaikuNTha ekAdasi celebrations were held at different divya desams like SrIrangam, Tirumala, ThiruviNNagaram et al. In the following slides the blessed archakar of SrIvari temple SrI Ramakrishna Deekshitulu archakam who had the soubhAgyam to perform the morning kaimkaryams to the mUla virAT of SrI SrInivAsan at Tirumala has shared with us the rare photographs of the morning prasAdams offered to ThiruvenkaDamuDayAn on this most sacred day.
SrI: “bahUnAm janmanAmante, a Vikhanasa Deekshitar arrives at my lotus feet to perform Kaimkaryams for Me” seems to be the Lord's statement on this day. We are all grateful to SrI Ramakrishna Deekshitulu archakam for sharing the Sri VaikuNTha EkAdaSi PrasAdams with SrI VenkaTesa bhaktAs around the world. The divine bliss of this sacred day is indeed being enjoyed! Lord VenkaTeswara has appointed SrI Deekshitulu as His agent today to share the most sacred PrasAdams by One and All. “darSanAt eva soubhAgyam!” The Lord of Thirumala's vaatsalyam and dayaa is limitless and is drenching and sanctifying us with its nectarine touch. Today is indeed a blessed day! Our Prayers to Lord VenkaTesa are for the Happiness, Health, Prosperity and enhanced Kaimkarya SrI of all Astika janams. dAsan, Oppiliappan Koil Varadachari SaThakOpan
||Om namo venkaTeSAya|| SrI: Today adiyen feels blessed to have offered the Morning Kainkaryams to Lord SrInivAsaa of Tirumala Hills on VaikuNTha ekAdaSi. adiyen offered dhanurmasa thomala seva, dhanurmasa sahasranAma bilva archana, dhanurmasam bell, sAthumurai, then the pratahkala thomala seva, koluvu and sahasranAmArchana with tulasi, 1 bell and sAthumurai. Following are a set of pics on VaikuNTha EkAdaSi prasAdams. This is a unique thought adiyen is sharing with all of dear devotees of Lord Venkateswara, who are at distant places far from Tirumala, but always thinking of Lord Venkateswara. adiyen’s intention is that at least through these pictures one will be able to enjoy the divine bliss on this sacred day of VaikuNTha EkAdaSi. Happy Viewing!! ||Om namo venkaTeSAya|| A.Ramakrishna Deekshitulu Hereditary Archaka SrIvAri Temple Tirumala Hills
SrI MalayappaSwamy with ubhaya nAchimArs Tirumala
The Tirumala divya prasAdams
SrIvAri PAda Chandanam: This is the Chandanam (Sandal Paste) decorating the Lotus Feet of Lord SrInivAsa on VaikuNTha ekAdaSi.
SrIvAri Pada Tulasi: These are the Tulasi leaves used in the SahasranAmArchana on VaikuNTha EkAdaSi day.
SrIvAri Bilva Leaves: These Bilva Leaves are used in the SahasranAmArchana during the dhanurmasa Aradhanam (Thomala + SahasranAmArchana + Food Offering) on VaikuNTha EkAdaSi.
SrIvAri Theertham: This is the ArAdhana Theertham offered to Lord Srinivasa on the day of VaikuNTha EkadaSi.
SrIvAri Parrot: This Parrot made with leaves and flowers is adorned only during dhanurmasam for 30 days on MulavirAT. This is collected during the previous day Thomala nirmaalyams.
SrIvAri EkAdaSi Dosa: This is the pic of EkAdaSi Dosa offered at the 1st Bell on VaikuNThs EkAdaSi inside Thirumala sanctum. This is a Special Dosa offering on every EkAdaSi day in the Tirumala temple to Lord VenkaTeswara instead of the usual Maatrannam or Curd Rice. So this Dosa is offered on this sacred day of VaikuNTha EkAdaSi.
SrIvAri Laddu and Vada Prasadam: This Laddu and Vada are offered during the 1st Bell or PrAtahkAla ArAdhanam inside Tirumala Sanctum on the day of VaikuNTha EkAdaSi.
||Om namo venkaTeSAya||
SrIrangam Pictures from VaikuNTha ekAdaSi day...
NamperumAl in Mohini alankAram NamperumAl in ratnAngi
||namo SrIraganAthAya||